Day 11 of my Steepster homemade advent calendar from Kelmishka! I haven’t had a lot of 52teas’ blends in recent years, and I never got to try this one, so I’m excited to see it here! The name’s a little macabre for my personal taste, but the flavor more than makes up for it. This is frickin delicious. I forget who was talking about 52teas’ marshmallow flavoring recently – I think it might have been Roswell Strange on an old episode of GeekSteep I was listening to – but I remember them talking about how 52teas uses marshmallow root and doesn’t use actual marshmallows, so it gets a really authentic marshmallow taste without the weird mouth coating or steeper clogging that tends to happen when marshmallows are included in a blend. That feels dead on (hehe) in this blend, where it’s all marshmallowy goodness with none of the negatives. I also really like the way that the cooling mint plays with it – I wasn’t sure that I would, but it’s actually a really refreshing and pleasant combo. Super super happy with this one.
I loved this one! I had the version with a Doctor Who Weeping Angel on the label!
Ahh, glad you liked it! This one is SO good.
Oh I can totally see this as a fandom blend- the Weeping Angel connection totally works.
There was a blend called Weeping Angel. It’s a buttered toffee caramel corn flavored black tea.
I love this one!