You can buy it here (which you should):
I got:
Grade: classic
Flavour: delicate
This tea’s definitely got that ‘tang’ of cheesecake! It’s very sweet and creamy (I skip the sugar and put a splash of milk in) and I have it frequently at breakfast for a little indulgence. I wouldn’t say it tastes like liquid cheesecake, but that’s probably a good thing! I would suggest not putting in too much matcha powder at first, because the flavour of this matcha in particular is quite strong. Just writing about it makes me want to curl of with a good book and a steaming pot of this delicious matcha! Of the four matchas that I ordered (others were Caramel, pumpkin pie, and english toffee), cheesecake probably had the most matcha-ish flavour. Sometimes I’m not a huge of matcha, but here the bitterness was perfectly offset by the sweet cheesecake flavour. Now I’m thinking of making a matcha cheesecake…why not?! Yum.
This is definitely my favourite matcha so far, followed closely by Caramel. Yum!