I know it’s been a while since I’ve written. It’s been a while since I’ve tried a new tea! I’ve mostly been sipping down flavored stuff lately.
This one was perfect for this afternoon, since I started the morning off with a green. Wet leaf smells of caramel and chocolate. It reminds me a bit of some Chinese blacks, aroma-wise. There could be a little orange peel in there, something fruity. The brew smells of a weaker version of the same. However, a coworker said he got mushrooms off of the brew, so…who knows?
I brewed this one strong, like Valerian steel. I poured that entire 10g into my 155ml gaiwan and gave it a good 5 seconds. It’s strong! Malted, bitter orange caramel bomb. The brew is orangey red in its anger, and very Indian tasting.
As strong as I brewed it, I’m half expecting it to get out of the cup and run away. But for the expected bitterness, there’s very little astringency. A credit to the leaf?
Like Valerian steel XD