This was a beautiful treat! I opened my package and revealed only a few little vibrant green glossy orbs. They carried a strong milky and vegetal aroma; moreover, I could hint a slight floral background. I placed these little gems in my warmed gaiwan and gave them a shake. This smooth scent became of creamy dried fruit with floral nectar sweetness. I began brewing right away. I washed these emeralds, and I brewed a few cups. The steeped leaves scent dropped to a deep vegetal tone with a sweetness of squash and melon. The flavor was simply amazing. This brew had a smooth and light body. The vegetal tone combined well with a refreshing sweetness and honey soothing quality. The leaves of this brew were unbelievably beautiful. The steeped long slender steeped leaves in my gaiwan were my favorite part of this tea session. The liquor was a pale jade, and it kept strong and soothing for 10+ steepings. The small amount that I had (5g) overfilled my gaiwan and lasted for a long tea session. This was definitely a treat for me, and I will be getting more of this someday!
Flavors: Creamy, Dried Fruit, Floral, Honey, Melon, Sugarcane, Vegetal