Have had several cups of this now, and I’ve decided it’s a nice black tea base with essence of confusion-to-your-senses. Sorry, candied essence of &tc. I rather doubt the flavouring is all natural, and I feel I should dislike it for that reason, but it is such a happy smell/taste (though smell especially) that I don’t. Certainly not over-perfumey, despite which, I find myself craving an oil blend I could dab on myself and wear around all day. I definitely am craving candied chestnuts, aka marrons glacés! I totally agree with Ysaurella about the slight chestnutty bitterness, which is nutty but different from other types of “nutty” flavour.
Will try to do a closer approximation of a proper tasting note soon! Just for now, adding that yesterday I tried a smidge with my unsweetened almond milk, being afraid of ruining the cup, and it was lovely that way too.
I like this blend even if to me B&B used too much essential oils vs other blends but…I like it ! This is a quite recent creation I think and they may try another recipe in the future (as they did for the Cerise Noire blend) – The director of the shop located boulevard Malesherbes in Paris always mentions to only steep the B&B blends for 2 or 2 min and a half…otherwise they would become bitter – I generally follow now this indication and I prefer their liquors like this.
I normally steep my black blends for 4 or 5 min without problem (Dammann Frères, Mariage Frères especially)
Oh, it’s good to know that about the steeping time, as I would steep my black teas longer too.
I wonder if this could be a slightly different recipe than what you tried? Or is it too new for that? I’ve been put off lately by even very high-quality Earl Greys and the like, just because of the overwhelming essential oil taste, and this is completely different level of flavour to those. Maybe I’ll try it tomorrow and find it over-EOed for me too. :) But it’s also good to know that they’re not using artificial flavourings in their teas.
I never saw any French brand saying they use artificial flavourings…It doesn’t mean they don’t…I am now really suspicious with food and beverage regarding all the food scandals we discovered since 15 years now.
For Luxury i had some doubts but the director ensured me there were only natural essences in.I think I should mention the shop the over “perfumy” feeling with this blend- they can improve it as they often revisit their recipes.
I think you may like Pouchkine blend, I am planning to buy some next month, if you like I can share some with you.
Thank you very much for the offer of Pouchkine-tasting! I’d love that. If you’re interested, I have their Courtisanes (I don’t think it’s on Steepster yet, but will add it soon – it’s a green with lots of fruits), or Hanami, which I haven’t even tried yet!
By next month, it’s entirely possible that I’ll have more to share too. :)
I like this blend even if to me B&B used too much essential oils vs other blends but…I like it ! This is a quite recent creation I think and they may try another recipe in the future (as they did for the Cerise Noire blend) – The director of the shop located boulevard Malesherbes in Paris always mentions to only steep the B&B blends for 2 or 2 min and a half…otherwise they would become bitter – I generally follow now this indication and I prefer their liquors like this.
I normally steep my black blends for 4 or 5 min without problem (Dammann Frères, Mariage Frères especially)
Oh, it’s good to know that about the steeping time, as I would steep my black teas longer too.
I wonder if this could be a slightly different recipe than what you tried? Or is it too new for that? I’ve been put off lately by even very high-quality Earl Greys and the like, just because of the overwhelming essential oil taste, and this is completely different level of flavour to those. Maybe I’ll try it tomorrow and find it over-EOed for me too. :) But it’s also good to know that they’re not using artificial flavourings in their teas.
I never saw any French brand saying they use artificial flavourings…It doesn’t mean they don’t…I am now really suspicious with food and beverage regarding all the food scandals we discovered since 15 years now.
For Luxury i had some doubts but the director ensured me there were only natural essences in.I think I should mention the shop the over “perfumy” feeling with this blend- they can improve it as they often revisit their recipes.
I think you may like Pouchkine blend, I am planning to buy some next month, if you like I can share some with you.
Thank you very much for the offer of Pouchkine-tasting! I’d love that. If you’re interested, I have their Courtisanes (I don’t think it’s on Steepster yet, but will add it soon – it’s a green with lots of fruits), or Hanami, which I haven’t even tried yet!
By next month, it’s entirely possible that I’ll have more to share too. :)
that’s great we keep in touch for a next month swap :)