I’m going by smilies on my ratings so the numbers may not be that high. I took 4tsp (for 16oz) and steeped at boiling for about 4 minutes (boiling for me is between 195 and 200). I think it may have been too long. This is my first attempt with this one and I’m dissapointed with it. I get an overwhelmingly taste of tea/playdoh (where that comes from I have no idea! maybe the rooibos?). I taste a little blueberry and slight hint of creaminess…but the tea/playdoh taste is overpowering. I don’t know if I added to much or steeped for too long but right now it’s not living up to its name:( Nothing like Strawberry Zabaglione by 52 teas. I’ll update my rating with future steepings.
Strange. Those are the approximate parameters I use, and it tastes quite delicious :(