I used to love jasmine tea. I still do, but in my exploration of so many new teas jasmine kind of fell by the way side. A friend recently got me some jasmine pearls and that has me digging for other jasmine in my cupboard. That’s when this one turned up. It’s really nice. Very smooth with a light sweetness. It has that crisp distinct jasmine flavor without being bitter or harsh. It’s very lovely!
I should really dig this one out of my cupboard too, poor tea. This seems like a nice winter day tea (but I love jasmine teas even more in the summer).
Have either of you tried any of the jasmine/mandarin tea combos? Lupicia has one that is okay and Mariage Freres has one that is pretty nice. It’s great as an iced tea. At some point I’ll have to try those others you mentioned.
I was told once that it’s a favored Chinese flavor combo. The tea rep said that when Chinese people taste the tea they pick out the mandarin as the main flavor, maybe because it’s a flavor they are more familiar with and when other people try it the jasmine seems dominant. Jasmin Mandarin is the name of the MF version.
I should really dig this one out of my cupboard too, poor tea. This seems like a nice winter day tea (but I love jasmine teas even more in the summer).
This and Verdant’s Golden Jasmine are the only jasmine teas I care to keep around anymore.
LuckyMe – have you ever tried any of Teavivre’s jasmine teas? They are the besssstttt.
Have either of you tried any of the jasmine/mandarin tea combos? Lupicia has one that is okay and Mariage Freres has one that is pretty nice. It’s great as an iced tea. At some point I’ll have to try those others you mentioned.
I haven’t even heard of jasmine/mandarin together but it sounds really really good.
I was told once that it’s a favored Chinese flavor combo. The tea rep said that when Chinese people taste the tea they pick out the mandarin as the main flavor, maybe because it’s a flavor they are more familiar with and when other people try it the jasmine seems dominant. Jasmin Mandarin is the name of the MF version.