I’m not quite sure what to say about this one. I am always happy to try tea that my friends generously send me, but in general I don’t really like Indian black teas.
This is light with some high notes. It’s not as acidic/astringent as I normally find Assam teas. The fact that I’ve drank three cups of it tonight must mean that it’s not that far out of my comfort zone. I guess that also means that this is not a typical Assam. I’m sure this is a quality tea – JW has great teas, but it’s just not to my tastes/preferences.
Thanks Sil for the opportunity to try it. :))
haha no problem – better that you get a chance to try it before you buy it! :)
I agree – I would never buy Assam for myself. Is nice to get to revisit it from time to time. You never know when your tastes change.
Best part of getting random samples is that you get to try stuff you would never chose for yourself. Always a fun adventure