From Ricky:) Hadda kinda wing the amount of leaf/water since the amount he gave me was for a ~7.5oz cup lol. I went w/ 8. Liquor is kinda yellowsh green and it definitely smells like dried apricot. The flavor on the other hand, is unfortunately lacking. But, this was enough to at least make me consider investing $2 for a sample of this. I’m thinking of steeping it using premium sencha parameters- 1.5tsp in 2oz of 160 degree water for 1.5min. Doing that will probably boost my rating quite a bit, but I think this’ll still be a “I’m really glad I tried this and would even buy a sample of it, but probably wouldn’t buy more than that or buy it more than once” tea.
Woaps! I thought I gave enough. I didn’t really measure it. I just grabbed a few teaspoons. Haha, I would have gladly included more. I agree with you, this tea isn’t tasty. I only drank it once and I still have the whole tin.
@TeaCast, Den’s Tea has one I want to (but haven’t yet) try otherwise just type “Premium Sencha” into the tea search.
@Ricky, it’s ok! It’s still very much appreciated. I’m just very picky about my leaf/water ratio. This was really close to what I would have needed to an 8oz cup. I didn’t say it wasn’t tasty, I just said the apricot was lacking. It’s a good sweet green tea. Maybe since you have quite a bit you could test drive the premium sencha parameters and get back to us. I think we’re the only 2 that aren’t completely in love w/ this. Actually… as it’s chilling (and a lot of people do make this iced…) I’m starting to get a lil more flavor. I think I’ll bump the rating. Not many teas belong below 50 in my book.
2nd infusion, 4min. Lighter liquor as well as lighter flavor, but it’s also different. Less sweet. It kinda reminds me of a cross between their artichoke and mango.
3rd infusion, 5min, Liquor is just a touch darker than infusion 2. Almost a canary yellow w/ a bit of butteryness. The taste is also slightly stronger and even more savory.
4th infusion, 6min. Whoa this has the darkest liquor yet by far! There’s definitely the typical green tea taste, but there’s also a slight sweetness. With a lot of teas, the true tea taste and the sweetness seem to be separate- almost like they flip back and forth on your tongue so you can’t taste both at the exact same milisecond, but the 2 blend nicely in this infusion.
5th infusion, 7 min w/ Amish potatoe and egg salad. Holy liquor drop off! Liquor isn’t anything like infusion 4, but more like infusion 3 but more translucent w/o the butteryness. The sweetness made a come back though a bit.
Any websites you can show me that would describe premium sencha? I’d love to try that.
Woaps! I thought I gave enough. I didn’t really measure it. I just grabbed a few teaspoons. Haha, I would have gladly included more. I agree with you, this tea isn’t tasty. I only drank it once and I still have the whole tin.
@TeaCast, Den’s Tea has one I want to (but haven’t yet) try otherwise just type “Premium Sencha” into the tea search.
@Ricky, it’s ok! It’s still very much appreciated. I’m just very picky about my leaf/water ratio. This was really close to what I would have needed to an 8oz cup. I didn’t say it wasn’t tasty, I just said the apricot was lacking. It’s a good sweet green tea. Maybe since you have quite a bit you could test drive the premium sencha parameters and get back to us. I think we’re the only 2 that aren’t completely in love w/ this. Actually… as it’s chilling (and a lot of people do make this iced…) I’m starting to get a lil more flavor. I think I’ll bump the rating. Not many teas belong below 50 in my book.
2nd infusion, 4min. Lighter liquor as well as lighter flavor, but it’s also different. Less sweet. It kinda reminds me of a cross between their artichoke and mango.
3rd infusion, 5min, Liquor is just a touch darker than infusion 2. Almost a canary yellow w/ a bit of butteryness. The taste is also slightly stronger and even more savory.
4th infusion, 6min. Whoa this has the darkest liquor yet by far! There’s definitely the typical green tea taste, but there’s also a slight sweetness. With a lot of teas, the true tea taste and the sweetness seem to be separate- almost like they flip back and forth on your tongue so you can’t taste both at the exact same milisecond, but the 2 blend nicely in this infusion.
5th infusion, 7 min w/ Amish potatoe and egg salad. Holy liquor drop off! Liquor isn’t anything like infusion 4, but more like infusion 3 but more translucent w/o the butteryness. The sweetness made a come back though a bit.
6th infusion, 8 min as a palate cleanser after my chai drinking chocolate. I could easily mistake these last 2 infusions for white tea.