Vahdam Advent Calendar – Day 8
I admit, I was a bit nervous about this one… It’s exactly what it says, just a mix of turmeric and ginger root. I don’t mind turmeric and ginger, but I’m not sure how I feel about a tisane that is just them and nothing else. The dry scent was extremely strong, and I inhaled a bit too much and starting coughing all over the place… (facepalm)
But actually, this is quite mellow. The turmeric is the stronger of the two for me, and it adds a nice earthy base note as well as a soft sweetness. The ginger comes in at the middle of the sip, and dominates through the end with a warm and slightly tingly spiciness. The two blend quite well, being somewhat similar in flavor profile. I really enjoy the earthiness that the turmeric contributes here, it has a sort of flavor that I can only describe as “rooty”. It reminds me of starchy root vegetables in a pleasant way.
I didn’t add anything to this cup, but I can imagine this being tasty with a dash of honey, especially if I had a sore throat! A slice of lemon wouldn’t go amiss either. ;)
(today’s advent teas:
Flavors: Earth, Ginger, Potato, Spicy, Sweet, Sweet Potatoes
It definitely does have a rooty/earthy taste. I love powdered turm chai Golden Milk mixes, particularly in coconut milk, which has a sweetness that balances it really well.