I wont really get into a connoisseurs finite review of Teavanas Blueberry bliss but I will tell you this…My daughters (3 & 7) attack me on a regular basis while steeping my own tea’s with the dreaded “Daddy, I want some!”. If you are a parent I’m sure you understand. I’m not super comfortable loading them up with caffeine from my morning black teas and even though the green pack a considerable lighter punch its still not high on my list of afternoon treats for two already overly energetic girls. I have been searching for some sort of tea placebo for my two little angels that didn’t include powdered chocolate and sugar…. Enter the Blueberry Bliss Rooibos, not only is it fun for them to watch the steep as the water goes from clear to a very pretty reddish purple (wife swears I’m color blind but thats what I’m going with), it smells heavenly and they hover over the pot as it steeps breathing in the aroma and telling me how good it smells (over and over). As for the flavor.. it is nowhere near as potent as the smell of this tea. It has a nice fruity, lightly sweet liquor.
So now for the real question.. Do the girls like it? they are kids and quite fickle. What is their favorite yesterday may be horrible today yet they will demand more tomorrow. However they genuinely seem to enjoy the experience and flavor most of the time, Especially with a couple drops of fresh organic honey from the neighbors bee’s mixed in.
As for me and a slightly more adult point of view…I tend to struggle with flavored teas/herbals and this is no exception. For me its a bit much as a straight hot tea and you wouldn’t find me choosing it over a cuppa Monkey Picked Oolong, Orange Pekoe or emperors mist green. It is nice as an iced (in moderation) it does add a nice flavor character when added to a iced black tea. For some reason I findit to be less morally offensive to flavor an iced tea….. When iced there is, as with all Rooibos i’ve tried a very nice grassy finish or aftertaste that is quite pleasant and very different than any flavors I’ve yet to have pulled from “real” teas.
All in all and much to my chagrin this is a tea that has a home in my tea cabinet….. at least until the girls outgrow it.