When combined with rooibos, citrus flavors (other than orange) often wind up tasting like cleaner to me. Unfortunately, that’s where this one falls. When it was warm, it was bearable, but when cold brewed, the flavor was very strong and unpleasant. I think it’s the alcohol flavoring and the lime together than I find disagreeable. I gave a sip to someone else and asked them to name what they tasted, and they said cough syrup, so I guess there are multiple interpretations to this flavor combination, but neither one positive so far. I really don’t like alcohol flavors though, so I think I won’t leave a score for this tea. If it were just lime and ginger, maybe I would have liked it, but even that isn’t a preferred combo for me. Anyway, this was from the mystery box, so it was certainly interesting trying something I would not buy for myself.