Thank you Sil for this sample. I love orange and nothing sounds yummier than orange Sencha.
The raw blend smells strongly of orange and citrus with thick waxy tones. Also sweet and perfumey. I can see why people say this smells like Pledge or any sort of orange furniture cleaner/dust spray, has the same almost chemical perfume like scent. I did notice on the ingredients list that it contains ‘tangerine orange flavor’ which based upon the smell I am lead to believe is artificial.
Once steeped the tea is orange in colour and has a waxy orange and tangerine aroma. Flavour is strong and dry with a sweet and sour citrus tang. Very perfume like and with real artificial elements in the citrus flavours.
I decided to steep this tea different to the recommendations made on the packaging. They suggested to use boiling water for 4-5 minutes which in my opinion would have made it too strong and bitter, perhaps even undrinkable.
It’s an ok tea but my tongue and the roof of my mouth feels dry and powdery which is very off putting. Sencha is sometimes powder like so perhaps I should have done a quick rinse before hand. Never mind, one pot sample and I’m not sad about it.
Thank you once again Sil.