There aren't any tasting notes for this tea yet.
The Azuma family’s black tea is made with specific cultivars from single fields. Without using pesticides, small insects called unka populate the field in the early summer and damage the leaves in a way that turns into a delicious flavor when the leaves are withered into black tea. The process is similar to that seen in the Taiwanese oolong called Oriental Beauty.
Product Info
Name: Japanese Black Tea Samidori Cultivar
Japanese name: 和紅茶 さみどり
Ingredients: Black tea
Cultivar: Samidori
Harvest Season: Summer
Region: Kyoto Prefecture
Steeping Info
Steeping – Tea: 5 grams. Time: 3~5 minutes. Water: 80~100˚C/176~212˚F, 200cc~300cc.
Drinking tea cold or with milk or sugar also good.
The amounts above are guidelines. Adjust to preference.
Consider also advanced steeping techniques such as cold or ice steeping (see Steeping Techniques).
Vendor Info
Name: Azuma Chaen
Type: Family-owned tea factory
Address: 20 Miyano Monzen, Wazuka-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto, 619-1204 JAPAN
Company description not available.