Di Jie Village 地界 is in the area of Bingdao in Mengku area of Lincang. Di Jie Village is well-known not just for it’s proximity to Bingdao, but also for old tea trees which produce powerful and complex pu-erhs. Di Jie is also a very high altitude area between 2000 and 2100 meters!
This tea was entirely processed by hand from start to finish. Hand-frying, rolling done by hand, and of course carefully sun-dried.
A total of 20 kilograms in total was produced. We pressed these tea cakes with a stone-press and used low-temperature drying to preserve the integrity of the tea.
Di Jie Village is located here!
Net Weight: 400 grams per cake (7 cakes per bamboo leaf tong)
Harvest time: October 2018
Harvest Area: Di Jie Village, Mengku County, Lincang Prefecture
Total Production amount: 20 kilograms
Wrapper Design by Anna Kampane