“standard puer hay like taste is in the background, prominent pine + light astringent flavor. The lid has a very heavy puer-hay smell. A deep amber soup. Not sure if it’s longer brews, or later...” Read full tasting note
“Stoned high cha qi. Very sweet, mostly sweet. Apricot, pleasant astringency and bite in initial steepings. Awesome qi.” Read full tasting note
“I’ve had this tea twice with slightly different tasting notes. The constants are a blend of straw and wood flavors, with the wood becoming stronger in later steeps, and a strong astringency in the...” Read full tasting note
Our 2014 Autumn “Mu Shu Cha” (母树茶) refers to the mother tea trees of Mengku where the oldest and most primitive Yunnan Large Leaf varietal tea trees still flourish. Our Mu Shu comes from 100-300 year old tea trees growing near Bingdao village in the south of Mengku county of Lincang.
This tea cake is an intense cha qi filled experience for the drinker. It is powerful with some astringency and bitterness, that is moderated by it’s old tree origins. First flush and picked fairly early in the growth stage makes this tea a pungent and floral affair. Even with just a few months of aging as mao cha we have noticed a distinctive “兰香” orchid aroma and taste.
A strong tea that will likely cause tea drunkeness in even the most seasoned lovers of young sheng!
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