“Very enjoyable sheng, cooling and bitter with a complex profile. The dry leaf aroma is a mix of menthol, fruit tree flowers, and vegetal notes while wet leaves also smell of bread, fireplace,...” Read full tasting note
Meng Zhu Da Shan 勐主大山 is a mountainous area in the far northwest part of Jinggu near the border of Bang Dong county (Lincang) and Jinggu county (Simao). This area is remote and the altitude of this wild tea garden is about 1800 meters above sea level. The tea trees range in age from 100-200 years old and grow naturally. They are not tended much at all other than a thrice yearly path cleared by scythes to get to the area.
Meng Zhu Da Shan has a unique character that has both sweetness and bitterness, sharing character with both Jinggu and Bang Dong teas.
Stone-pressed in the traditional manner.
Wrapper design by Heili Malmi
30 kilograms in total
Autumn 2023 Harvest
Company description not available.