“So, I’m presently having the ‘06 Xiaguan Gold Thread tuo. This is the fifth Xiaguan tuo I’ve tried. Both productions of the Dali Tuo production I can get with. This one falls into the latter...” Read full tasting note
Premium Xiaguan blend first made in 2004
The “Gold Ribbon” blend was first introduced in 2004, when it was a special order production for a large Guangzhou Xiaguan wholesaler. Using superior material from Wu Liang, Yun Xian, and Yun Long mountains, and carefully blended to be full of aroma and cha qi. This has now becomea classic premium blend from Xiaguan! The boxes protect the tea from fluctuations in temperature and humidity giving the tea a stable environment perfect for aging!
Date: 2011
Net Weight: 100 grams of tea
Ingredients: Yunnan Large Leaf varietal sun-dried tea
Produced by Xiaguan Tea Factory
Company description not available.