4.3g, 90 mL. Last session, and I’ll miss this. Brita tap.
15s rinse. Light smokiness and woody dry sweetness to wet leaf.
Aroma still reminds me of apples left out for too long + dried cranberries
powdery and sweet. Fleeting bright sweetness, in a gorgeous white floral way in aftertaste. Reminds me of tuberose I think, but it’s been a while since I’ve dabbled in perfumes. there’s a serene sort of feeling. peaceful, but not overwhelming, which was nice during a mostly sleepless and hectic week. Not drowsy, but quieting and a feeling like I could just stay and linger. Slight warming in stomach and back.
Later is a woody bitterness developing into a bright sweetness and apple like taste. A gently drowsy feeling, and a bit of tongue numbing. I had to thermos the rest and that was the general plummy taste of last time, but the floral and comfort during the session was really excellent and just what I needed.