“This tin has been sitting, completely untasted, for a long time. So, into the work bag it goes, where I expect to drink it down over the coming weeks at work. And I feel that it’s going to be...” Read full tasting note
“I’m really enjoying this tea. I seem to get the brewing wrong with a lot of breakfast teas, but every time, this tea seems to be good. I drink it with a small amount of milk and like lots of colour...” Read full tasting note
“When I first laid eyes on this gorgeous little tin, I felt compelled to purchase not only it but also all of its little brothers and sisters. Of course, the tins aren’t the only good thing about...” Read full tasting note
Wedgwood English Breakfast tea is a distinctive subtle blend of bright and refreshing Assam and Kenyan teas, combined with the mellowness of the finest tea from Ceylon.
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