This is one of those teas that – even though I enjoy drinking it – I don’t actually steep as often as I probably should.
Dry this happens to have a scent that reminds me of day-old cut grass, with a little lingering toastiness from the bits of rice. It’s a smell that I absolutely adore and I’ll often take a whiff even when I’m planning to drink other things.
On the first steep there’s a crisp, almost kale-like taste that lingers comfortably. You can pick up the background and after-taste of rice that’s quite pleasant…but my deviant palate really wishes it was just a little sweeter.
Second steep is, naturally, a bit milder…but still pleasant.
This is the sort of tea I absent-mindedly drink while doing homework, papers or whatnot. I wish I could say that it made an impression, but I’m not likely to refill my jar when this one runs out; I have a feeling there are other green teas out there that would make me happier.