“Better? in a steeper basket. Almost obnoxiously floral, so if that’s your thing, scoop this up. Classic tieguanyin taste but without the sourness. Still drying – less so; still viscous – more...” Read full tasting note
Tieguanyin designated for its long aftertaste
This tea earned ‘reserve’ status for its complexity, textural nuance and long aftertaste. Meticulously hand finished to bring out notes of coconut, nutmeg, saffron, sticky rice and tulsi.
Master Zhang has worked for over four decades continuing his family’s craft growing true Tieguanyin varietal tea high above Daping village in Anxi. He is working to bring back the original habitat of the region by clearing mountainsides and planting trees, bringing back wildlife and biodiversity, for better tea and a better future. He has won awards across China and has been recognized as one of the leading teachers and craftsman in Anxi for his unique approach to grading teas and processing for flavor. Instead of grading solely by elevation or tree age, Master Zhang holds the “Reserve” designation for the few teas that meet his strict criteria of lingering intensive aftertaste, pervasive sweetness, cooling sensation in the throat and thick creamy body. This means that only the leaves whose weather, position in the field and processing come together perfectly can be offered as Master Zhang’s reserve.
Tasting Profile
fruit – mango, coconut spice – cedar, nutmeg floral – saffron savory – sticky rice vegetal – tulsi texture – tingling, coolingCompany description not available.