Just a little note to say how the face off between this tea and Arbor Tea’s Organic Earl Grey went.
This one wasn’t the winner. It doesn’t have the astringency Arbor Tea’s version does, but it doesn’t have as much bergamot either. What’s there is mostly on the aftertaste. There’s also a flat, woody note in it that makes it kind of unexciting.
In defense of this tea, I do like it a lot with additives. I forgot to doctor the Arbor Tea’s EG before finishing off the sample so it’s possible this one still might win the ‘With Milk and Sugar’ taste off battle. But it doesn’t with the unadulterated battle so I’m lowering the rating just a tad.
Thanks for an update on the Battle of the Earls!
Ironically, without additives the husband liked this one better than the Arbor Tea’s version. But with milk and sugar he liked Arbor Tea’s better. Hunting for the Earl is fraught with difficulties! :)
He such an elusive chap.
Rather “he’s” such an elusive chap. I need spelling/grammar check built-in!