Final stray Twinings bag. I left this one until last because I honestly didn’t expect to enjoy it. Liquorice root is one of my least favourite things in the world, at least when it comes to tea. Interestingly, though, I don’t hate this one. The liquorice is there, but despite being a prominent feature in the name, it’s not actually a major contender in the flavour. It’s just a slight over sweetness and a stickiness at the back of the throat, but it’s not nearly as prominent as I’ve found it to be in some blends where it’s not even a major ingredient. The main flavours here are blackberry and mint, and it’s actually a fairly pleasant brew for a bagged tea. The blackberry has a slight sour sharpness that the liquorice helps take the edge off , and the mint adds a cooling freshness. I’m actually reminded of homemade cordial in the summer – it’s rich and sweet and a little sticky tasting in just the same way.
I probably wouldn’t repurchase this one just because it’s got liquorice in it and I’m not a fan. I really prefer to be able to sweeten my own tea (or not), and I don’t particularly enjoy having that choice taken away. As liquorice blends go it’s not so bad, but it would have been BETTER if it was just blackberry and mint.