Sipdown! (15 | 292)
Another swap tea!
So I previously prepared this one cold-brewed, and it was pleasant enough. Grassy, as expected, but since I used cold water it wasn’t bitter. The strawberry flavor is extremely artificial, like eating some kind of cheap strawberry candy. There’s also an odd floral/perfumey note to it.
This time I’m drinking it as an iced latte, and it’s also pleasant. Again, I used cold water so no bitterness. The floral aspect of the flavoring is perhaps a touch less noticeable, but it’s still there. It tastes like a delicious artificial strawberries & cream milk tea, heh.
Not something I would ever buy (though 3 Leaf doesn’t offer strawberry matcha for some reason…) but I enjoyed the three sticks I had. Undoubtedly a cheap matcha, but since I drank it iced it didn’t matter much. I’m not in the habit of drinking flavored matcha hot, and I almost never make hot lattes either.
Flavors: Artificial, Candy, Chalky, Floral, Grass, Perfume, Strawberry, Sweet
That reminds me that I have some of this somewhere in the back of my cupboard. I don’t recall how I felt about it.