It’s been a while since I’ve reviewed anything on here! I’ve been really busy with my EMT class, and its finally coming to an end. Monday is the final, and then I just have clinicals. The review for the final is a 90 page word document!
However, I wanted to take a break to talk about this and a few other things. I won this, a bottle of Half & Half Green tea with Lemonade, and a Tea’s Tea bag from Awkward Soul through her giveaway on her Oolong Owl blog. Thanks so much, Awkward Soul and Tea’s Tea! I’ve already had the tea with lemonade. I wasn’t sure if I should make a new thing just for that, so I’ll just say my thoughts here first. I enjoyed it! I’ve had a few different brands of tea with lemonade. This one was pretty good and seemed less in your face sugary, though still sweet. There wasn’t anything that reeeally stood out, but I still enjoyed it.
As for this tea, I was really surprised and enjoyed it a lot! Bottled/canned teas have trained me to expect things that are slightly tea flavored, but mostlt sugar and juice. Even though this says “unsweetened” in big letters right across the top, I was still braced for a sugar punch to the face. I was so surprised it almost tasted bad at first, because I wasn’t expecting it! After I got over that shock, I was able to actually try the tea. The green tea is the main flavor to me. The jasmine is there, but subtle. It’s handled well and not overwhelming at all, for those people who are sensitive to floral flavors. Overall, I really enjoyed this! I’ll have to look into more bottled teas, and see if anywhere nearby sells Tea’s Tea products
Good luck with your final!