“This was a very strange tea. I did two steepings Western-style. After the first steeping, the first smell that hit me was of candied sweet potatoes. Usually when I smell this in a tea there is...” Read full tasting note
“First black tea of the day! This sample came from Blodeuyn. I’m really happy that I’m getting the chance to try so many Taiwanese black teas lately, and they’re definitely unique in that they have...” Read full tasting note
The exuberant and exotic aromatics of Taiwan oolongs is undisputed in the tea world. Nowhere can we duplicate Taiwan’s rich terroir for tea growing. Consequently, it comes as no surprise that Taiwan’s offering in black teas can be equally fragrant and expressive! One of it’s most impressive and representative black tea is undoubtedly Red Jade.
Its long, beautiful twisted leaves are of the recently introduced TRES-18 hybrid which is a cross between an Assamica strain from Burma and the local indigenous wild tea strain, also called Shan Cha from which is made our Yuchi Wild Mountain Black Tea, Lot 139. Developed by the Tea Research and Extension Station’s Yuchi branch, this unique varietal proposes the full character and body of an Assam with exuberant fruity notes of wild plums, hints of cinnamon and a fresh menthol finish. This unique black tea is surprisingly generous and may be re-steeped several times similarly to it’s famous Taiwanese oolong cousins.
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