New York Breakfast

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Cinnamon, Maple Syrup, Smooth, Vanilla, Chocolate, Pancake Syrup, Butter, Artificial, Honey, Bread, Raisins, Musty, Earthy, Maple, Sweet, Tannic, Brown Toast, Cookie, Earth
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 3 g 33 oz / 983 ml

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From T2

A pancake-inspired tea made with full-bodied black tea, maple syrup flavours and cinnamon.

A full-bodied black tea boasting the taste of hot pancakes, inspired by a perfect New York moment. Warm up the morning or sweeten your afternoon and be whisked away to the city that never sleeps!

• Sip up notes of vanilla, cinnamon and maple syrup in this sweet tea treat.
• This tea is sealed fresh inside a compostable plastic bag packed into a colourful recyclable cardboard box. Store in a cool, dry place.
• The ultimate staple in our line-up of teas. Warm up the morning or sweeten your afternoon and be whisked away to the big city!
• Best brewed 2-4 minutes using freshly boiled water in your favourite loose leaf tea infuser. One teaspoon per cup. Perfect on its own or with a dash of milk.
• From fruits to spices, tea leaves to herb bushes, 100% of our tea is Sustainably Sourced.

Ingredients: Black tea, cinnamon, natural and artificial flavouring, vanilla

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32 Tasting Notes

986 tasting notes

This blend smells lovely, but the flavor doesn’t live up to the aroma for me. I get hints of vanilla, maple, and cinnamon, but all the flavors are on the lighter side and the base tea is a bit smoother and less full-bodied than I expect with a breakfast tea. Adding milk mutes the flavors even more, leaving me with nothing but a milky black tea with a a hint of cinnamon. Disappointing overall, but the tin sure is cute!

Flavors: Cinnamon, Maple Syrup, Smooth, Vanilla

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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397 tasting notes

Ashmanra’s Sipdown Challenge | October 2023 | A tea that gets you going

Easy come, easy go! I pulled this one from the most recent TTB and really enjoyed it. I wish there had been more in the package! It’s a flavorful breakfast tea, even if I continue to be perplexed by the name/inspiration.

2023 sipdown count: 51


When I hear “NY breakfast,” the conclusion I jump to is coffee and a bagel.


Right?! Not chocolate pancakes with maple syrup…

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6444 tasting notes

This was too full-bodied for my liking if I’m being honest.

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4326 tasting notes

Thanks very much, MiepSteep! I recently posted my love in a tasting note for Lupicia’s Melon White so MiepSteep awesomely offered to send me their stash of it AND a few of T2’s teabags to tag along with it. I definitely wavered many times about ordering some of my T2 favorites and some of the blends that I always wanted to try, and their breakfast teas were at the top of that list. So I’m very grateful to just try them before they were harder to acquire. Making me feel a bit better about not ordering them.
A black tea with a breakfast vibe, I’m liking this more than I thought I would with its Steepster rating of 74. Sometimes I have an issue with vanilla flavoring, but this is tasty enough. My only complaint might be that the black tea doesn’t exactly have the strength I love for a breakfast tea, but that might be because this is a teabag and if I were scooping my usual amount of leaves, I wouldn’t have the Too Light Black Tea problem. I like this though! The flavor really does remind me of what I think of as a traditional French Breakfast tea. It’s sweet, smooth, something like a pastry. The cinnamon doesn’t make an appearance until the second steep, but overall is deeper and has plenty of flavor. When I was considering ordering, I was wavering on a one pound bag. I don’t think I like it’s a top favorite tea, but I wouldn’t have minded stocking up on a bit of it. I like it’s named “Breakfast” because I agree that it is a Breakfast Tea!
Steep #1 // 22 minutes after boiling // 1-2 minute steep
Steep #2 // 4 minutes after boiling // 3-4 min

Cameron B.

I was hemming and hawwing over getting their breakfast mini-tin sampler on sale. Still considering getting it on Amazon… XD


oo… I didn’t think to think that t2 would still be available on amazon…

Cameron B.

I would guess once they sell through whatever inventory they have at Amazon’s warehouses, they probably won’t be anymore. But who knows!


Glad to hear i’m not the only one who thought that the black tea base was weak sauce! I found that erring on the masochistic side with freshly boiled water for ~5mins gave me the breakfast brew I wanted. Enjoy!


ah, okay!

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114 tasting notes

More clearance tea from T2! As someone who lives in NYC, I feel I am obligated to have this tea in my cupboard. And I really like the concept of breakfast flavorings in tea, however, this one is just ehhh. The black tea base is malty and fruity, but somehow doesn’t steep very strong. If have you ever had a third or fourth steep of a (better) tea and realize first thing into the sip that the tea is spent, yet drink the cup of weak tea anyway? That’s how I feel with this on steep number one. I feel like this tea could have some delicious potential if the flavor was punchier.

Not sure why a cinnamon pancake tea would be considered New York, NGL. Maybe for the brunch crowd? Now that’s got me thinking… Honestly, somebody has to make a mimosa green/white tea. That I would wait in an insane line for XD. No really though, pancakes are more of a sit down, Sunday-morning-contemplation-meal than something New Yorkers would have on a regular morning. A better tea to represent our breakfast would be bagel flavored for sure. Although, an everything bagel with cream cheese tea sounds so gross when I say that out loud hahaha…

Honestly, if you really like the sound of a pancake breakfast black tea, go pick some up from 52Teas. It lives up to it’s flavor name and more.

Flavors: Butter, Cinnamon, Pancake Syrup

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec

I never got to try t2’s breakfast blends!


Ooh looks like I’ll have to add some to your tea package:)


That would be awesome of you if you did!


I bought it for the same reason! Haven’t tried it yet though. Maybe doubling up on the leaf/teabags would help?


Definitely. it seems to enjoy being brewed roughly haha

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16875 tasting notes

Adventaggedon Day 21: Tea 2/8

This was my first tea of the day – I finally remembered to make one of the T2 breakfast teas as part of my actual breakfast!

It’s a nice tea though not anything I’m immediately drawn to, unlike the Singapore Breakfast. I get the nice malty black tea base with a hint of maple and it also held up really well to a splash of creamer. Mostly I just found myself a little confused about what the New York/Maple association is!? This is maybe a little stereotypical but it kind of seems like a Canadian Breakfast more than New York, no? I probably would have gone with a subtle apple flavour for a New York breakfast because of the ‘Big Apple’ nickname – but that’s just me.

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1777 tasting notes

Advent Day 19

What is this?! A “like” and a “tweet” button on this tea profile page?! This is new. I even reloaded the page to make sure it wasn’t a glitch. They kind of overlap each other in a strange way. Anyways… tea!

Breakfasty? Check. Cinnamon? Check. It’s kind of pastry like in the finish, not quite yeasty, but some breadiness is in there. The cinnamon is really light and there is a bitterness on the sides of my tongue at the back of the sip. The finish is kind of cinnamon/ashy/bready. As it fades I’m left with light bitter again that makes me want to wash my mouth out with the nearest thing, which is this tea, which starts the cycle again. I don’t think the flavors would hold up to cream. They are subtle and… well… boring. This is a big fat nope.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Cameron B.

I don’t know when the “like” and “tweet” were added, but they’ve definitely been there at least since I came back to Steepster a couple of months ago.


Weird! I wonder if it was rolled out like FB updates.


I never noticed the like and tweet links before. So weird.

Martin Bednář

Tweet aren’t new, but don’t see any “Like”; maybe I just need to clear the cache or something? I don’t mind; if it appears once, I know I am not only one :D

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71 tasting notes

Dry: It smells nutty almost like candied brittle that you get around Christmas.

Liquor : smooth and smells a bit like pancake syrup! It has a slightly bitter notes at the end. I had it with a bit of oat milk which brought out the taste of syrup . Tasted a bit like walnut pancakes.

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2172 tasting notes

I woke up this morning half expecting the site to be down for maintenance or to log in to see an announcement about the official Adagio takeover, but everything seems pretty quiet and pretty much the same. In fact, the first email notification I received today was for a spam post, lol. I’m sure big changes take time, and I’m glad that Steepster is still accessible today (well, for some of us).

According to some of the other tasting notes for this tea, it’s meant to be like a pancake breakfast. I don’t taste pancakes or maple syrup or anything like that, but there is something that does remind me of pancakes. I can’t quite place it, maybe it’s something to do with the cinnamon. I’m probably only imagining it because of the description I read anyway. This didn’t quite hit the spot for me as a breakfast tea; I think I would have liked something a little bolder. I did enjoy it while I drank it though.

Thanks to amandastory516 for sharing! I’m very interested to see what some of the other T2 breakfast blends are about. I hear there’s a sampler.

Flavors: Artificial, Cinnamon

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

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27 tasting notes

Superb! Very sweet and pancakey, with a hit of cinnamon, and I can drink this one black without milk or honey/sugar, as it’s really mellow and smooth. This was the standout for me in the Advent Calendar a couple of years ago, and I went on to buy a whole box of it (the teabags). Highly recommended.

Flavors: Cinnamon

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