I realize I haven’t been doing many reviews lately, which is even sadder because I have this amazing teabox chilling here right now. But I’m more occupied with life than I had been in the past. Fiance and I finally okayed our desire of a teensy tiny wedding with his parents, so it looks like that might finally happen this year/early next year. So yeah!
The beginning of the sip is a really nice, robust tea. It’s rich and smooth, with just the slightest bit of astringency.
The mango flavor kicks in sometime between the tea hitting your tongue and swallowing, and I don’t care for it much. Despite being ‘natural’ flavoring, it just doesn’t taste like mango and is almost a little overripe fruity tasting.
Perhaps this would be better iced, but I didn’t really care for it enough to try.
Yeah for getting everything okayed for a small wedding. :)
Yes! Yaaaay! His (extended) family is all local, so it was definitely a huge concern. We didn’t want to make a mess of familial politics.