Blue Unicorn

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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Cotton Candy, Honey, Sugar, White Grapes, White Wine
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Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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From Shanti Tea

A rare hand-crafted designer Ceylon tea, medium-bodied.

From the famous Biodynamic & Fair Trade Idulgashinna Tea Garden come these visually captivating spears of cassis, cinnamon, gold, and silver tips, resembling the mythical unicorn’s horn. This hand crafted tea is carefully hand-rolled and twisted into spears. Each finished cluster is slightly more than 1 inch in length. These partially fermented leaves produce a delicate, pale liquor that is exceptionally sweet and clean, with champagne undertones. The tea can be steeped multiple times, each revealing new complexities.

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21 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes


YAY!!!!! I said…YAY!!!!!

I finally got my Blue Unicorn today and I am so excited! I won this on Shanti’s Facebook Contest!!! Woot!

I’m infusing 3 “horns” as suggested…

I completely agree with Cinoi that the pre-infusion scent is completely different than the during and post-infusion scent!

Pre – Sweet/Floral
During – Floral/Semi-Sugary
Post – Sweet Honey/Candied

This is a VERY hefty handcrafted leaf! Surely up to multiple infusions!

The Sip…
I said…WOW! AND YAY!

Oh my! What a treat! VERY unique! VERY Sweet! Juicy! Clean and Crisp! Champagne-Like! Almost fruity but I am not sure what kind of fruit to compare it to! WOW!

I will be playing with this one as often as possible. This is also one I will be reviewing in greater length at SororiTEA Sisters…

Probably within the next week or so.

Of course I am kind of bias because I LOVE Unicorns and that is partially why I chose this tea for my winning tea. I collect anything unicorns! I have well over 500 unicorn items!!!

I love everything about this tea, I really – REALLY – really do! :)



Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

lol…i love how stoked you are about the unicorn tea. :)


I can’t wait till I get mine!


LENA – sent you a PM
Kristin – Let me know what you think!!!


Congratulations. Following gut feelings can turn out to be smart sometimes. =)


Just goes to show you…UNICORNS really ARE Magical! :P


Hooray! This post totally made me smile the whole way through :)


They said the oolongs were yummy and looks like they told the truth ;)


They are VERY YUMMY! Check out my other infusion notes, Malomorgen!


malomorgen – which one did you choose when you won!?


ummm they advised me to take iron goddess or blue unicorn. took the 1st one

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243 tasting notes

I received so much tea in the mail today, you would think it was my birthday (wink wink, nudge nudge). Of them, I was extremely excited to try this one and be the first reviewer on Steepster. I have to say, that all of the reviews ( and hype (facebook) about this tea are completely justified! The tea is visually BEA-utiful: tiny spears of perfectly rolled tea, a dark color with highlights of silver (tips) and gold and cinnamon-red colors. The smell of the dried tea is very faint oolong, clean, light, wonderful.

I put three of the “horns” into my infusing basket, used water just below boiling (as I typically do) and infused hot for 4 minutes with no additives. The spears unfurled a little, in that time and released a new aroma; still clean and light, but a little more body and a typical sweet oolong scent. The liquor is pale yellow. The tea is almost divine, it is like no oolong I have had before, it is light, sweet, a slight crispness at the end of each sip with an overall cleanliness that is more typical of white tea. The slight undertones that are similar to champagne also help to round out the flavors.

Second infusion, same three horns, brewed hot, 3 minutes. Liquor, aroma and taste is similar, no overdone or “burnt” flavor of the oolong. Still wonderful.

Third infusion, same three horns, brewed hot, 2 minutes. Liquor is slightly lighter, but aroma and flavor remain unchanged.

This tea is so wonderful that it can only be harmed by additions. Absolutely wonderful-highly recommended.

4 min, 0 sec

added this one to my shopping list. (Like I need to buy more tea)


I was supposed to win this from them on their facebook but I haven’t gotten it yet! I’m so excited to try it! I chose it because I am a HUGE Unicorn collector and just HAD to try it! LOL


I love unicorns too (I used to collect them when I was younger, now I collect teacups and teapots… LOL) but this tea looks incredible.


I have over 500 items that are unicorn themed!


Wow! This tea took a while to get to me, they shipped it on May 30, it arrived at my house last Friday and they wanted a signature, so I had to go get it today – no worries – it’s on the way :)


awesome! :)


Sounds extra delicious!!!! and Happy Birthday!


happy hatching day :) those are so neat!


Yes… happy birthday!


Thank you!!


Happyyyyyy Birthday!!!


Have a wonder-filled birthday and a fantastical year (starting out with unicorns is probably a good thing) :D


this sounds pretty interesting… and happy birthday!


many thanks everyone! the best way to celebrate was with unicorns, haha!


Happy (belated) birthday!



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3294 tasting notes

Thank you, Ms Bonnie, for this interesting sample!

First, I don’t know what brand this is, but when I entered blue unicorn, Shanti Tea came up, & the picture looks right, so I’m just going to go with it.

It’s a cool looking tea! I love the ‘horns’, they remind me of those catapillar crysallis thingies that I used to see when I was a kid in California. They didn’t smell like anything to me dry.

I had 2 horns, so I put them in my little glass teapot & added hot water. They took turns floating up & down & releasing little air bubbles. I’m sipping the first steeping now, really just killing time before I meet 2 of my kids & my Man for lunch.

This is Ceylon tea, which in my mind means not particularly exciting. I get that Ceylon is the Champagne of teas, & is suppose to have a light & bright flavor. Call me unsophisticated if you must, but I tend to lose interest quickly.

The taste? I’m only on the first steeping, which honestly has kind of a salty & soapy vibe. When I get home I’ll run it through a few more steepings, as the horns have only barely started to open. For now, I’d rather drink water.


Yup!!! It’s Shanti! One of my all-time faves! :)
I LOVE THIS TEA! Try 5 to 6 “horns” at a time or gradually increase them up to 5 or 6 if you want…it does make a difference the more you add! And multiple infusions are totally doable with this one, too!

Terri HarpLady

I only had 2! I only covered them with a little water, like maybe 4 ozs. I’m not done with them yet, this afternoon they will have more opportunities to prove themselves :D

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310 tasting notes

Hrm. Not sure what I think of this one. Withholding rating for now. I brewed 3 horns in 11 oz cup. At 4 minutes (with a 15 sec boiling pre-rinse), it was golden but tasted like water. Stuck the leaves back in for another 2. Now I am getting some flavor but it doesn’t taste like much. Did I not use enough horns? Did I not steep it long enough? Wonder what temp I should have brewed that at?

195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 0 sec

OH NO!!!!! I hope your other attempts work out better! I noticed it suggests 4 to 6 mins – I went a FULL 6 minutes right off the bat. I don’t think I would ever go any less than 6 actually. For my 2nd Infusion I think I went 9 mins.


I used 3 horns for 11-12 ounces and 200+ degrees water


I had no problem getting flavor out of three horns at 4 minutes. Strange. I will not lie, mine were warm from being in the mailbox…might have had something to do with it…


Weird. Trying a second infusion now. Poured out 1/2 of the first infusion. Just didn’t want it.




That is incredibly disappointing…I am going to try it again soon and report…


It’ll be interesting to see what Jim thinks too. It’s on its way to his house.

Jim Marks

2 horns in my smallest pot, water one minute off the boil for 5 minutes and I’m looking in the pot going “what?” The result looks like a white tea. There is little aroma and even less flavor in the cup.

Maybe Kristin’s batch got damaged in shipping by heat or something?

I was grateful for the sharing of samples, to be sure, but I’m just baffled by this tea.


Ah, I just asked you what you thought on your post! :) Yeah, I thought it was more like a white tea too, except with less flavor.

Jim Marks

So, as a second attempt I used much more leaf, and kept the water hotter. I also worked the cones with a chopstick to open them faster.

The result is much better. More like a darjeeling.

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4843 tasting notes

Thank you to TeaEqualsBliss for sending me some of this tea. This has to be one of the most unique Oolong teas I’ve encountered. From reading the description, one would think that this is, in fact, a black tea, but, as Shanti Tea has categorized it as an Oolong, that is what I’ll call it.

It has a lot of “black tea” characteristics in the flavor, too, although it is significantly lighter. That probably has a lot to do with the fact that I brewed this in my gaiwan using short steeps and a lower temp than what I’d use for a black tea. It has a lovely spiced undertone to it, and it is sweet, and earthy and warm and really quite enjoyable. I look forward to many infusions with this one.


My third and fourth infusions proved to be a bit earthier than the first, with the spice tones emerging as well as the fruit notes becoming more distinct. Very rustic.

My fifth and sixth infusions were much smoother, tasting this time more like an Oolong than a black tea. The fruit notes are well defined, and a lovely floral note is emerging now.

A truly delightful Oolong, this Blue Unicorn!

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58 tasting notes

I received this tea in the weekly Twitter contest. I really wanted to love this tea. Sadly, I can’t say that I do. The first time around I didn’t get much flavor out of it, honestly. It was pale in color and very light in flavor. I let it steep for a good 7-8 mins. I used just under boiling water. I couldn’t taste much of anything, accept a slight crispness.

Second go around this morning, same 3 horns. Hotter water, at just boiling, steeped for about 8 minutes. There is definitely more flavor this time around. It is crisp and somewhat peachy, I can kind of get that champagne-like flavor as well, but I’m finding it bland and a little, well, funky and not fresh. I do like peach, and I do like champagne, but for some reason, this tea is just not doing it for me. Perhaps I will send it on to someone else. :)


Just so you guys know the sample has now been spoken for. :)


I use 6 horns minimum

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431 tasting notes

This is a tea I got from TeaEqualsBliss awhile ago thank you very much. Backlogging I did like that this was cute looking and did look like horns and had a black tea smell to it. Taste wise a light black tea with abit of oolong to it. This is a good tea when you want something alittle lighter and not to wake you up. I thought this was pretty good.

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411 tasting notes

This tea, for me, has all these hints of flavor and sweetness… but they’re only hints. I wish it had more flavor and more of the elements only hinted at.

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2037 tasting notes

Another twisty tea from Indulgashinna. It’s funny, I think the Thousand Arrows looks more like unicorn horns than this does. Thousand Arrows is uniformly twisted. These are fuller in the middle.

I had the impression of joints when I first looked at them. I needed a reality check so I asked the BF to take a look. He said: “looks like weed.”

In any case, the two teas smell very similar in the tin. Which makes me wonder whether they are made from the same underlying leaf?

I put 3 “horns” in the gaiwan, rinsed, and steeped at 195F for multiple steeps starting at 15 seconds and increasing by 5 each time. I did 4.

The first steep gave a very light colored liquor, just the palest yellow, and not a ton of flavor. The note that Terri mentioned (bleach) was something I was also aware of, though I don’t know if I’d have called it that without reading her note, but there was also a sweetness.

Steep 2 gave a much more in the realm of oolong pale yellow liquor and an even sweeter tea. It’s not really a honey sweetness like I got with the Thousand Arrows, though. It’s more like spun sugar.

Steep 3 is where the tea starts to bear an aroma and flavor similarity to the Thousand Arrows. The liquor is deeper in color, and the wine/grape note is more prevalent. The sugary aspect also takes on something deeper, darker, and more honey like.

Not as charming looking as the Thousand Arrows, but a very interesting presentation nevetheless. This alone means I’ll be holding onto it for a while as Shanti no longer has this available on its website and it appears to have been discontinued.

I’m rating this where I rated the Thousand Arrows and bumping the Thousand Arrows up some.

Flavors: Cotton Candy, Honey, Sugar, White Grapes, White Wine

195 °F / 90 °C
Mastress Alita

“Thousand Arrows” and “Blue Unicorn” are both amazing tea names, if nothing else.


For sure!

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