Isn’t it a wonderful thing when a kind friend who knows you’re knotted up like a bad macrame project sends a surprise to untangle you? One of those thoughtful gifts arrived today, and this herbal blend was in the box.
It’s beautiful—looks just like something the herb granny would’ve gathered in her basket just last week. Big mint leaves, fresh chamomile. And while the flavor profile is typical of a mint-and-cami tisane, the provenance of each ingredient is fair proof that they were selected thoughtfully and deliberately for medicinal purposes.
Until I read the tea description, I had never heard of Mexican Toronjil Rojo, but I’m catching a very mild anise hint with it, as advertised. We’ll test the relaxation efficacy at bedtime (when the brain turns on the moment my left ear hits the pillow), but there’s tulsi in this little leaf garden, which is one herb that actually works on me.
Thank you, friend! <3
Second much longer steep, same leaves: the mint is “spint,” but this Mexican Toronjil Rojo (licorice-y) is far stronger than it was last night. Interesting shift of flavor.