Thank you to TeaEqualsBliss for sending me some of this tea.
This is really good. Before reading anything about it, by the look of it I assumed it was a black tea and brewed it the way I’d brew a black tea. Fortunately, if there is any green tea or Oolong tea in there, I don’t get any taste in this cup that indicates that I scorched the leaves, so that is good.
I definitely taste black tea – but a lighter black, perhaps a Ceylon or a Darjeeling, but, I am not detecting any of that muscatel that would indicate to me that it is definitely a Darjeeling. I also taste a toasty flavor in there – possibly a roasted Oolong or a Kukicha? There is earthiness to the cup, and a fruit note.
Overall, a very pleasant cup that is keeping me guessing. But I like that!