It’s supposed to taste like the special type of bread that french people eat at Christmas. My sister bought it for me as a Christmas present because she is living in France at the moment, and because she hears me talk about tea all the time. In a lot of ways it was the perfect present!
I have held off reviewing this tea because I have never tried Pain d’espices (the actual bread) and I don’t know what it’s supposed to taste like. Anyway, it has a lot of cinammon and a few other spices (of the kind that are probably in mulled wine as well) – kind of Christmassy spices with a bit more cinammon than you’d otherwise expect. I can kind of imagine this tea being made into a crumby bakery product, maybe with some marzipan on it. I don’t know whether this French delight usually has marzipan, but my imagination has gone wild! with this tea and the dark coloured loaf I am imagining definitely has marzipan on it!
It’s very pleasant because it has a bit of bite but not so much that you need a cup of water afterwards to calm everything down in there. And it’s comforting. Maybe I should try it with sugar, the cake in my head is sweet, but the tea is not. Hmm…
Your post made me curious – so I looked and found this site.
I think you may want to try with a little honey….
No marzipan! How disappointing. Never mind, I’ll try it with honey and let you know how it goes. Thanks for the link, you can tell I was too lazy to do any research for myself!