“The smell of this tea is enough to drive me crazy. I’m not a big green tea person, but how light and fruity this tea was really made me happy. It’s very mellow, so not an every day kind of drink...” Read full tasting note
“Just the smell of this will get you hooked. I’ll admit the tea by itself is bleh, flavorless, but with a little bit of sweetner and it’s the bees knees, if they ever had any~ Blueberry and...” Read full tasting note
“This is a good, fruity-tasting tea. The flavor is pleasant, and powerful enough that I make it with less sugar than I typically use in most teas. Tastes great, and smells even better. I’ll...” Read full tasting note
“Unfortunately I threw away the box before I could post the information about this tea. It’s very much like Celestial Seasonings’ Blueberry herbal tea. I don’t even know what acai and pomegranate...” Read full tasting note
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