Appearance: blend of bancha, popped rice sorghum seed, evenly balance, and dusted with matcha
Aroma when Dry: sweet (eastern) roasty, toasty, nutty, chewy rice
After water is first poured: earthy toasty, nutty, chewy rice
Tea liquor:
At beginning of steep: hint of green
At end of steep: dustier from matcha
Staple? Type, yes would gladly buy brand again
Preferred time of day: Any
At first: creamy, sweet (eastern) nutty, chewy, grassy, earthy
As it cools ? slight drying note, notes get deeper, nuttier, earthier, less grassy
Additives used (milk, honey, sugar etc)? No
Lingers? Yes, all notes, with a creamy earthy matcha and almost chestnut note close
it is out of stock! hahaha…how is this different from
Premium Grade Green Tea Genmaicha w/ Matcha
Not sure, found mine on amazon