Happy National Raspberry Cake Day! Today the prompt is to drink a raspberry tea.
I got a sample of this long ago from Tabby, who doesn’t like hibiscus teas. Cold brewed the whole sample in a liter of water overnight, and strained this morning. It’s been my water bottle companion on a hot summer day of attending Pride in my small, extremely Red/Conservative/Religious town. The Pride event was so nice and really helps to not feel so “alone” in a community like this one.
I drank my whole water bottle while out, and have now refilled it with the last of the pitcher to drink with the raspberry cupcake I brought back from the festival. The tea is cool and refreshing, with a tart hibiscus punch, some lingering raspberry flavor, and a cooling mint (I don’t normally like mint/hibiscus blends, but I’m actually really digging this one). My cupcake is sweet and fluffy with a creamy frosting and a jammy center, and it accompanies such a sweet treat well.
Thanks, Tabby!
Flavors: Fruit Punch, Fruity, Hibiscus, Mint, Raspberry, Tangy, Tart