“Damn, that smoke is powerful. I see why you double packaged it hakwband1. Holy sh#t it’s going to be hard not to use flowery language for this tea. I got so many things from this cup. Smoke, yes....” Read full tasting note
“Smell: Very smoky, like you’re next to a campfire. Taste: smoke, malt, earth, liquor-ish finish, astringent at end smoke lingers I enjoyed drinking this tea.” Read full tasting note
This black tea is produced in the Wuyi Mountains of Fujian Province, China. The distinctive smoky taste and aroma is achieved during the drying process in which the tea leaves are placed on panels above tamarack wood fires. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle portrayed his Sherlock Holmes character as being the consummate Lapsang Souchong aficionado. Although not particularly approachable by newly-made tea drinkers, we’ve found this tea to be an acquired taste that soon becomes a craving that only fine quality Lapsang Souchong can satiate.
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