English Breakfast Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
Chinese Keemun Black Tea, Indian Black Tea
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Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by Teatotaler
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 45 sec 11 oz / 325 ml

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43 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Taken with a teaspoon of sugar and half and half. Oh BOY I think this is the best English Breakfast Blend I’ve ever had the pleasure to sip! Complex and nuanced – I feel like I can taste the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Methinks it is time to start on my sampler. Here goes nothing: No. 1 of 31 Took a page from Ewa’s book: closed my eyes, thrust my hand into the basket, diddled it around and grabbed. This is...” Read full tasting note
  • “So my poor attempt at budgeting just flew out the window – 3 different tea companies just got orders from me in the past 12 hours. And a fourth is probably coming since their coupon is only good...” Read full tasting note
  • “This smells smoky – I can definitely pick up the Keemun. Surprisingly, it smells rougher than their Irish Breakfast, which seems a bit counterintuitive to me. And actually, it does seem to be a...” Read full tasting note

From Golden Moon Tea

Let’s hear it for some of the worlds best tea gardens! They’ve given us three pure Indian teas we can blend with a little Chinese Keemun. The result is a coppery liquor that excites our taste buds with its brisk and complex flavor. The flavor is a bit toasty with a bit of fresh gardenias as a high note. Like most traditional English Breakfast teas, it is great with a spot of milk and a spoonful of sugar.

About Golden Moon Tea View company

Golden Moon is dedicated to offering outstanding, whole-leaf teas of the greatest quality and finesse. All Golden Moon Teas are hand-plucked and meticulously crafted to enhance leaf character, aroma, color, clarity, body, complexity, and above all, flavor.

43 Tasting Notes

1112 tasting notes

Taken with a teaspoon of sugar and half and half.

Oh BOY I think this is the best English Breakfast Blend I’ve ever had the pleasure to sip! Complex and nuanced – I feel like I can taste the slightly fruity darjeeling-ness, a bit of smoky chewy Keemun-ness, and a robust malty Assam-ness and the Ceylon is smoothing things nicely – it is an invisible binder in a way – I don’t taste it but I feel it’s doing its job. I think what is making this a standout to me is the fruitysmoky. Very unique. Very enjoyable! Very much a whole tin kinda tea!!! I’d like to take it to 5 minutes and see what I get – there was absolutely no bitterness at 4 minutes and you know I like em bold :)

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

This one is smooth enough and delicious to be drunk straight as well! Seriously love this one!


I’d like to try that as an afternoon tea at perhaps 3 minutes! I took a sip before adding my additions and it was delightfully fruity!


This one is amazing if you’re familiar with black teas (like you are!). It’s just SO much fun, picking out the different varities in here. LOVE this one. Definitely my favorite English Breakfast! SO happy you agree!


This is on my list to try this afternoon! (Great minds and all that)


Nice description, I’ll have to add this one to my shopping list.


Me, too! Haven’t had any GM yet, but I am going to start compiling a list of their teas and adding this one on to it – though I may just do that 31 tea sampler they have on their website and get all their products in one go – y’know just to try and find all my favorites.


Lauren – the sampler is sooooo fun! That’s what I did!!


Can I ask something? When you got your GM sampler, did you add all 31 to your steepster cupboard … how did you treat that sampler? From what I understand, you only get one serving of each tea …


No I didn’t – I only add things that I have at least an ounce of. None of my samples are in my cupboard. Some people do, though! I guess it depends on how much time you want to devote to it – I thought it would drive me crazy putting the samples in and out. I also like to use my cupboard as a list of things that I can offer to people as samples – like if someone offers to send me a sample of something I can say Look at my cupboard to see what you want for a trade! but I couldn’t do that with the things I only have a sample of…


Good point – organizationally, right now, I only have teas in my s.cupboard if I have more than one serving of it. Also, serves as a reminder that I do physically own it and can try it if a particular tealog from one of my steepster friends catches my eye.


Just to round out this discussion, ordered the GM 31 Sampler! Used ‘Steepster’ as coupon code for free shipping! I can’t wait to try this tea! So very :)


YAY!! There are so many delicious ones! Enjoy!


Oh no…. the waiting now begins for the delivery person!


Yay! So happy you jumped into the fray, Lauren! It’s going to be so much fun for you! :)


There’s no stopping me now! hehehehe :)

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2037 tasting notes

Methinks it is time to start on my sampler. Here goes nothing: No. 1 of 31

Took a page from Ewa’s book: closed my eyes, thrust my hand into the basket, diddled it around and grabbed. This is what came out. (That was really fun, by the way. I intend to go through the whole thing entirely at random.)

Pretty, pretty dry leaves. Long, twisted, pointy; a cross between olive green and chocolate brown. And the smell! First, chocolate. Then, tobacco. Then, coffee. Then, something green and toasty. All mixing together and swirling around. Bizarrely, the image that came to mind was of tiny, silver, schooling fish swimming this way and that.

I used the whole packet. According to my scale it is enough for 1.5 cups, but my favorite cup for tasting teas holds 12 oz of water, rather than 8. So six of one, half a dozen of the other as my mother would say.

A golden brown, “tea colored” liquor. Lighter in color than I expected. Sweet, chocolate/malt/brown sugar aroma.

How to describe the taste? It’s smooth and gentle, completely without sharp edges. It isn’t full-bodied like the Samovar Breakfast Blend; on the other hand, it is refreshing without being thin. This seems to be the influence of the darjeeling.

It has a taste I can only describe as leafy. It isn’t particularly sweet, though it does have a hint of malt. It makes me think of fall in the Northeast US, when the leaves are falling from the trees, fresh and fragrant. This is what I’m getting more than “floral” but perhaps it’s all part of a Kingdom Plantae continuum. There’s a nice, lingering, quintessentially tea taste. It’s what tea-flavored candy tastes like without the sugar overload.

It’s lovely. I’ll definitely order it. I like Samovar’s Breakfast Blend better, but who says you can only have one breakfast blend? It would be like only having one pair of black shoes.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Tea colored liquor:) Sometimes you just need to call a spade a spade.

Miss Sweet

Love this tasting note! I have 4 breakfast teas and at least double that of black shoes haha


Hahaha, glad you liked it. :-)


It’s strange, but I love this one with milk and sugar. I should really have it plain to see if it has the same effect on me. Breakfast blend was okay to me, but I’ve never tried it with milk and sugar. Hmm, I should give that a try.


Hmm. I haven’t tried either one that way. The only tea I’ve been converted to drinking with milk/sweetener every time is chai. Let me know how it turns out!

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371 tasting notes

So my poor attempt at budgeting just flew out the window – 3 different tea companies just got orders from me in the past 12 hours. And a fourth is probably coming since their coupon is only good through April. I must take a vow to not purchase any tea or teaware in May. This is redonkulous.

Okay, onto the tea! And we have a frontrunner on the Black Tea I will most likely purchase from GM. Yup, I shall add this to my shopping list so that it can join the Nepalese Afternoon Tea. I can’t really tell you much about this tea except that it’s smooth, complex, and what I think an ideal black tea with oomph should taste like – especially on the 2nd infusion. That’s where the sweet kicks in – not so much while it’s hot, but as it cools it gets sweeter and sweeter. Naturally all I can think of is how amazing this would be as an iced tea. NE

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

Welcome to our budgetary nightmare!


I have made a vow to 1. not buy anything at all tea related until May and 2. To not buy any more samples until I have gotten rid of at least a third of my current ones. I am also taking bets as to which one I’ll break first. (Current odds are on: both at the same time)


Lol! I think that I actually need to create a budget vs. the vowing not to purchase for a period of time. Kinda like dieting – you go too strict and you collapse and do worse than if you’d allowed yourself some treats along the way :)


Personally I am considering combining the two and giving myself permission to order tea related stuff if I stick to my diet for a period of time. Something small for one week, something bigger for two, etc. I have been lousy about keeping track of my food and exercise these past couple of weeks.


I’m allowing my next tea order to happen after I take my final this semster :) May 12th!!! Dragon Balls, here I come!!

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911 tasting notes

This smells smoky – I can definitely pick up the Keemun. Surprisingly, it smells rougher than their Irish Breakfast, which seems a bit counterintuitive to me. And actually, it does seem to be a heavier cup. The Keemun is very obvious but then I taste bright sparkles of Darjeeling – not enough to make it bitter or tart, just enough to give it a citrus-like top note of additional depth of taste. There is a stoutness to it that I don’t normally find with Keemun so I’m gonna say that’s the Assam, though I don’t taste cardboard/malty so much as feel it. I can’t really say I pick up the Ceylon, but honestly, that’s the hardest tea taste for me to pin down.

All in all, a good breakfast blend but nothing overly special. I think it would hold up really well to milk and sugar (the Assam mellows out the Keemun, making it thick enough to deal, I think but also decreasing the smoky – I’m not a fan of milk in my Keemuns). Because of that it is perhaps a better take-to-work-in-my-travel-tumbler tea than the Irish Breakfast from yesterday but in general a less exciting cup.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

When you say “smokey” do you mean russian smokey or lapsong soushong smokey or just the hint of smokey that a good keemun has? I thought I had gotten a sampler of this once recently but I don’t remember it if I did. I don’t find any tasting notes on it either. This sounds intriguing to me. I agree, Ceylon is the most non-descript tea I know. That’s why I say I have yet to find a Ceylon tea that stands out enough to say I really like it and would buy it routinely. Thanks for the review.


I noticied this with Adagio’s English vs. Irish breakfast too! The English was really smoky and the Irish robust but not smoky – I liked the Irish much more. I’m going to be ordering the Golden Moon sampler very soon and I can’t wait to try their versions myself :)


@Teaman – Russian/Keemun smoky for sure. Not even a hint of lapsang smoky. (Which, when put that way, makes me sad). And I’ve had one standout Ceylon (it had strong raspberry notes) so I always think Ceylon should be fruity… but none of them ever are.

@JacquelineM – Honestly, I haven’t had that many English Breakfasts. Any idea what the ‘standard’ English taste is vs. ‘standard’ Irish?


I didn’t know, but here is what wikipedia says:

English Breakfast tea
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

English Breakfast tea is a black tea blend usually described as full-bodied, robust, and/or rich, and blended to go well with milk and sugar, in a style traditionally associated with a hearty full English breakfast. It is the most common style of tea in the United Kingdom.

The black teas included in the blend vary, with Assam, Ceylon and Kenyan teas predominating, and Keemun sometimes included in more expensive blends. There are many common brands of English Breakfast tea.

Accounts of its origins vary. Drinking a blend of black teas for breakfast is indeed a long-standing British custom. The practice of referring to such a blend as “English breakfast tea” appears to have originated not in England but America, as far back as Colonial times.


I read somewhere that Irish BT is mostly Assam, and is supposed to be more smoky and robust than English BT. I don’t think I’ve ever had Irish BT, but English BT (especially Twinings) usually tastes caramelly-milky to me, and not smoky.


@JacquelineM – Hahaha – okay, the Wikipedia info made me laugh. If I’m reading it right, basically an English Breakfast blend is made of… wait for it… Tea. Though I suppose since this has Keemun, perhaps this one is a higher class EB?

@Shanti – I’ve heard the same about the Assam and more robust but haven’t heard anything about the smoky status of other teas. I tend to like the chew-ability of the IBs so far. Hehe.


Auggy – sounds like it ;) And I remember when I first had the smoky Adagio EB I said to myself that I liked Twinings better! I am a low class gal! What can I say!


Twinings EB is the best! It’s less bitter than the premium brands I’ve tried.

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4843 tasting notes

After reading Golden Moon’s newsletter yesterday I was inspired to try this tea today.

A very pleasant breakfast tea, well-rounded and full of flavor. It is bold but it isn’t too edgy, I am finding it quite palatable without additions. There is a briskness to it from the Ceylon, some malty tones from the Assam, and even some earthiness and spice from the Keemun. Rich and delicious.


I love GM’s newsletters! :)

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243 tasting notes

So, I figured it was time to finish up the GM sampler. Picked blindly, got this one, perfect for breakfast!

This tea is probably one of the best breakfast blends I have ever had. You can smell the typical breakfast tea aroma from the leaves, but once brewed it releases a whole world of aroma and flavor. A robust aroma of black tea – slightly fruity and slightly smokey, definitely smells delicious. The flavor, you can actually almost pick out all of the teas in here: there is a smoothness, a malty flavor, a slight smoke and a hint of fruit. Absolutely delicious.

Infused hot, four minutes, no additives. Delicious. Second cup enjoyed with a teaspoon of sugar and some half and half. Also delicious.

4 min, 0 sec

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314 tasting notes

The scent is like Thomas Sampson eating grapes! A grape-y Thomas Sampson. Must be the Darjeeling in the mix.

The taste is kind of “thick” and malty with just a hint of sweet. I think I’ve steeped this beyond 5 minutes (close to 6!) but it’s not overly astringent or bitter at all.

This breakfast blend is pretty delicious, overall—it has plenty of body and is strong enough to hold up to milk and sugar, but I like it fine on its own. Although, If I were to change anything, I would make it just a bit stronger, add a bit more “punch”.

And it tastes more biscuit-y as it cools. Biscuit-y is always good.

Boiling 5 min, 45 sec
I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

Any comparison to Thomas is good!

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187 tasting notes


I am addicted to the internet. I am not ashamed to admit it. I freak out when it’s not working. This tealog was originally supposed to be posted around noon today (I actually wrote it out in Word so my impressions would be lost – NERD), but because the internet went bye-bye, it’s going up now.


This is an extremely intriguing tea. Once again, with Golden Moon, I’ve been trying to get through some of the more basic teas before I vault into the complex and interesting ones.

There was enough for two servings in my sampler packet. The smell that came from the little GM Packet of Joy was interesting and nuanced. I knew I was smelling good tea, but I really couldn’t distinguish any components. The leaves are obviously of a variety of varietels – some are long, some are short, and there’s a fair amount of broken bits.

This one steeped to a dark copper color, and the tea liquid was had a scent similar to the dry leaves.

On first sip, I let out a little sigh. This one is good. Very good. There are four different teas at play in Golden Moon’s blend: Assam, Ceylon, Keemum, and Darjeeling, and each plays a distinct and interesting role in the tea. Part of the fun of drinking this was trying to distinguish all the flavor components. Golden Moon really has done a stellar job of blending these beauties together so they create one complex taste with individual components. If I concentrate really hard, I can almost taste each individual tea. The boldness from the Assam, the smoothness of the Ceylon, that somewhat tart component of the Keemum, and something extra, that I could only guess is Darjeeling.

I wish I could have actually sat down and enjoyed this a bit more, but this morning was pretty hectic. Our internet is down, and everyone in the house is pretty much in a frenzy. I’m glad my sample has a bit more, that way I can have some of this tea again.

Although I don’t think that this is a beginner’s tea, I think a budding tea enthusiast and a tea expert would both enjoy this. I gave a few sips to my mom, who commented, “Wow, this is really interesting tasting. And complex.” This ain’t Liptons, baby. This is TEA.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

Umm, I’ll have to give this a try. Maybe I’ll have it tomorrow. I didn’t like Irish Breakfast that much, too light for my taste. And oh gawd this was such a long tea log, jk. :P


Interesting. I haven’t tried Irish Breakfast yet! I read on your log that you had to drink the second steep, eh? Blacks usually do not do well on second steepings at all, so that might have been the problem. I’ve never actually steeped a black more than once, although Auggy has said that she’s re-steeped quality Keemums and Yunnans. Sorry that your milk was gross!

AND EW WHATEVER! I like my reviews. :P :D



This one sounds really interesting, by the way. [And now I have the System is Down song from Homestar in my head. Blaming you.]


HAH, I LIKE THEM TOO! (and Takgoti, I don’t think we have anything on Teaplz log length-wise… :p innocent)

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828 tasting notes

As I’m trying to work through this sampler pack, I decided to have a cup of this with breakfast. And you know what? It’s really good! You can completely pick up on darjeeling, assam, and ceylon, with bit of keemun in there. In fact, the keemun might be the ingredient that sets this apart. I think if I didn’t already love Brattle Street as my go to breakfast cup, I’d put this in the running. As it is, I might one day have to order a tin. Right now I have more breakfast blend than I know what to do with. I’m glad for this pleasant surprise.

Photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lauren_pressley/tags/englishbreakfasttea/


Your post has awakened me! I have not been into photography for over a year now… haven’t touched my dSLR and now I felt inspired to take photos again :) Thanks!!!


Great minds…great minds…I just ordered a tin of this this very morning since they’re having the nice discount. I opted for this, the Napalese whatchamacallit, and the Caramel Sugar Oolong. :D


@oOTeaOo: fun, I’m so glad… if you happen to take some tea ones and post them here I can’t wait to see. :)

@Rabs: glad it’s not just me! :) I also love the Caramel Sugar Oolong… so now I’m thinking I should try the Napalese watchamacallit next! :)


I’ll keep an eye out for your review for the watchamacallit! ;)


@Rabs: somehow my sampler doesn’t appear to have the Napalese watchamacallit in it!!! I’ve looked through my remaining samples, through my photos of the tea I’ve had, and through my reviews and it’s no where to be found. But now I’m tempted enough to need to try it. I only have to decide if I should get a sample or go ahead and get a full tin.

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259 tasting notes

Golden Moon Sampler Tea #7 selected at random

I was glad to select a robust tea. It’s too early in the day to go in for an airy-fairy white muskmelon with breath of lilac type of tea. This English Breakfast did not disappoint me. It’s full and rich and the blend is a lovely combination. I would consider making a full purchase of this. I’d like to have a breakfast tea in stock aside from my beloved Lapchang Souchongs to offer visitors or in case my taste shifts—-and taste, as we know, can be fickle.

I’ll see if this tea calls to me in the next several weeks. Overall, a hearty recommendation.

Boiling 3 min, 45 sec

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