Organic Green Tea

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Green Tea
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180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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26 Tasting Notes View all

  • “If you haven’t heard, I have the best boyfriend in the entire world. So, my boyfriend is always amused by my various obsessiveness. I tend to cycle through hobbies and pastimes pretty quickly, and...” Read full tasting note
  • “Randomly Selected Gold Moon Sampler number in the vicinity of 20 or 21 I always thought that cats had an innate system of checks and balances that involved leaping up on tables but not knocking...” Read full tasting note
  • “Golden Moon Sampler Tea #10: So I decided to let fate decide this afternoon’s tea, and this is what I came up with. Now, usually, when I submit myself to fate, I acknowledge that it has the final...” Read full tasting note
  • “Stupid Firefox crashed and I lost my review. UGH! Take two… It seems like whenever teaplz and Ricky don’t like a GM tea (or rather don’t love one), I suddenly need to try it. It’s like I want to...” Read full tasting note

From Golden Moon Tea

For the health conscious tea connoisseur comes this outstanding green tea leaf from the world’s first certified organic tea garden.

Long, slender green tea leaves produce a smooth, mellow cup with exquisite flavor and subtle notes of candied pineapple. Sweet and clean in character, this exceptional green loose leaf tea is organically grown in the famous Uva district on the Isle of Ceylon.

Green tea at its organic best.

About Golden Moon Tea View company

Golden Moon is dedicated to offering outstanding, whole-leaf teas of the greatest quality and finesse. All Golden Moon Teas are hand-plucked and meticulously crafted to enhance leaf character, aroma, color, clarity, body, complexity, and above all, flavor.

26 Tasting Notes

187 tasting notes

If you haven’t heard, I have the best boyfriend in the entire world.

So, my boyfriend is always amused by my various obsessiveness. I tend to cycle through hobbies and pastimes pretty quickly, and he’s always along for the ride. When he found out that I was getting into loose leaf tea, and made my first order from Adagio, he surprised me with the Golden Moon Tea Taster’s Sampler set ( for those that aren’t in the know). It’s $20 for their entire catalog, 1-2 cups of each of their 31 varieties, and if you use the code “teareviewblog” you get free shipping (it worked when I ordered, at least). It was the perfect gift, and as a result, I have the chance to work my way through the various and interesting teas of a highly respected company.

The box is a bit daunting, so I figured I’d start with the basics. And what’s more basic than plain green tea? I don’t have much experience with green tea overall, but I read on here and elsewhere that this was just straight green tea, with a very mild flavor.

When I opened the little packet, I was sort of surprised at how much there was in there. The leaves were pretty and twisted, a wonderful verdant color. There were some broken bits at the bottom of the packet, but for the most part, most of the leaves were intact. I’d read that many of the offerings were really one cup only, but I measured out a heaping teaspoon of this, and I still had half left. Since I didn’t want to overdue it with the leaves, and add too many to the pot with no knowledge of the the temperament of this tea, I just did the one heaping teaspoon and sealed the rest of the bag up for another time.

The dry leaves smelled… leafy. Green in a plant-like way. Nothing distinctive. The resulting liquid after brewed was a light yellow color. A very, very pale goldenrod. The cup had literally no smell.

On my first sip I was a bit surprised. This tea doesn’t have a strong flavor at all. As someone that’s accustomed to blacks in the morning, it was a bit interesting. There are barely any tasting notes to be had while the cup is still piping hot. A hint of vegetation, a sweet aftertaste.

As the cup cooled, however, the sweetness really came into prominence. I only really tasted the “candied pineapple” tasting note once or twice (this is not flavored with pineapple, so don’t expect a strong flavor at all). The best thing that I can say about this tea is that if it was cold, it’d be immensely chuggable. And I mean that as a compliment. It’s refreshing and light and tasty, with a very pleasing sweet note. It tastes pure and refined. Does it taste like “tea”? No. So if you’re going into this expecting a flavor parade, you will be disappointed. It tastes more like drinking dew from a large leaf in the morning. What I would imagine the water served up on Olympus tastes like.

All great compliments, but when I’m drinking tea, I don’t really want water, I want tea. I really enjoyed the subtleties of this tea, and I’m going to try resteeping it (some of the leaves still have a twisted shape and didn’t unfurl completely), but I can’t imagine ordering more of this.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec

Loved this note – I know you aren’t in love with this tea but your note makes me excited to try it! Sadly, my order is set to come in Monday, which is the day I leave on vacation. I really really really want UPS to stop by the house first thing in the morning so I can take the samples with me. That would be way awesome.


@Auggy, we can suffer together- I’m on pins and needles too. For my matcha set. It’s supposed to be here Tues.:(


@teaplz, I can related to your “water” comment. I think as a person’s tastes mature and develop they search out different teas and teas steeped different ways. I always try teas at least twice.


“So, my boyfriend is always amused by my various obsessiveness. I tend to cycle through hobbies and pastimes pretty quickly,”
LOL LOL at this comment because I’m soooo glad to hear that I’m not the only one with this type of personality! Let’s hope our current tea obsession is here to stay :)


@rabbysmom- I’m that way too. Thank GOD I’ve stuck w/ tea, but my tea and tea ware tastes have definitely changed.


@Cofftea Good to hear! Tea is a good thing to be into since it is so varied. I plan to stick with it because I have gotten more enjoyment than I could ever imagine out of tea!


It’s not bad! I just wasn’t blown completely away by it. I think it’s hard to be blown away by something like this tea. Just because it’s fairly simple in a lot of ways, and doesn’t really have a “wow” factor. That being said, it tastes like it’s fairly high quality (although I haven’t a clue what that’d taste like!).

And yes, I always cycle ridiculously through things.


Well, and you like teas bolder than I do, I think. But lighter teas make me happy so I can really picture enjoying this. I HOPE UPS is early on Monday!!!!


Auggy – you might be able to call UPS and ask them to hold the package at the center and pick it up on your way out of town. Depends on who you talk to, some folks at UPS go above and beyond for customers like that. You’ll have to do it TODAY, though (and have a tracking number), because they could be loading it on the truck as early as 2 am Monday morning!


@Auggy, if you REALLY want it on vacation that bad and they can’t either get it to or have it ready for you to pick up before you leave maybe you can get them to ship it to the address you’re staying at for an extra charge.


@denisend – That’s a thought! I’ll have to see where the UPS center would be and if it isn’t the entirely wrong way, I might see if I can try that! Let’s see… how obsessive will I be about my tea? Hehe!


Haha, I cycle through hobbies, obsessions, whatever you want to call it as well.


@teaplz, I think any tea has the potential to blow away someone. Just as it has the potential to make a person puke lol. Your tastebuds may not be ready for it yet.


That’s an awesome deal! I think I am going to try an purchase after the holidays!

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259 tasting notes

Randomly Selected Gold Moon Sampler number in the vicinity of 20 or 21

I always thought that cats had an innate system of checks and balances that involved leaping up on tables but not knocking over the long-stemmed wine-glasses or not leaping into the tea mugs.

My first infusion of this was poured into a very nice bee house banilla-colored (I made that it — it’s not quite the white of a vanilla and not quite the yellow of a banana) 5 ounce mup (not quite cup; not quite mug) that I use for a lot of my smaller samples.

Anyhow, as it was cooling my calico cat Zoey took a flying leap at it and the tea and the mup flew off the desk. Fortunately nothing broke but Zoey stared at me imperiously as I cleaned it up.

I proceed to make second infusion. I am a bit underwhelmed. I’ve had green teas that have really nice vegetal or buttery tastes and the most recent one I had, a Wazuka Sencha, was delighfully complex. This one is pedestrian at best. I would not invest in it as a “go-to” green tea. It’s not awful—it just does not have any zing or snap crackle pop or butter or grass to it. Maybe it needed a longer steeping but a green tea can turn in the blink of an eye from a buttercup to a rancid bitter old shrew. How delicate then can be.

Zoey is unrepentent. RIght now she’s licking the tea off her toes with the spirit of a Rosie the Riveter.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Zoey obviously knew the tea wasn’t going to impress you. She was trying to do you a favor, it seems. ;-)


Between “banilla” and Zoey this note gave me the goofiest grin :)

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382 tasting notes

Golden Moon Sampler Tea #10:
So I decided to let fate decide this afternoon’s tea, and this is what I came up with. Now, usually, when I submit myself to fate, I acknowledge that it has the final word on things, but this time, I was all like “what no, I want something NIFTY!” So I decided to pretend that the first random grab hadn’t happened and try again. Whereupon I grabbed it AGAIN. and then AGAIN. Ok fine, fate. Clearly you want me to drink the organic green tea.

I believe I’ve already mentioned that I am not particularly well-versed in green teas so I didn’t expect to have much to say, but this tea actually has more character than I gave it credit for. I mean, it’s quite light, that’s true, but it does have that note of sweetness that, yes, could very well be candied pineapple. It’s not as vegetal/grassy as some green teas that I’ve tried, and I agree with some of the other reviews that it would make an awesome cold drink for hot weather. Very interesting – think I’ll take TeaEqualsBliss’s advice and oversteep the next cup, see what happens.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

As the weather gets hotter, I would imagine that green teas would become appealing….


I love the idea of fate. Great one! In fact, I think I will steal this approach from you for my GM sample basket when I finally get to it.


I am seriously the most indecisive person ever.If I had to actually choose from between 31 different teas, I’d probably just have a nervous breakdown. So I just accept the premise that I’m gonna pull something out randomly, and that I won’t argue with what I get. And now choice paralysis is a thing of the past – well, as far as tea goes anyway :D

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

can also be very indecisive at times. Last night, I could decide if I wanted a green, roobios, or herbal, let alone which one. Today, I thought I wanted an oolong for the afternoon but I’ve also been craving Life in Teacup’s jasmine green. Then I switched to wanting a cup of 52 Tea’s Strawberry Matcha, perhaps followed by the Tiger since I just read a several tealogs for yunnans.


I’m not so much into fate deciding my choices (though I just may have to do that now with the GM sampler just to see) – it’s more like what chrine says at the end there – I read a great tea note (and the tea sounds so scrumptious) and then all of a sudden, I’m craving that one!

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

The Strawberry Matcha craving has been fulfilled. Now I’m eating a HUGE salad. Why do my salads always end up being so big despite my attempts otherwise? I’m wishing I’d made some tea to go with it. But I’ll have some afterward. It may be too late in the day to satisfy my Tiger craving today though. So I don’t yet know what it will be.


I am too filled with curiosity about my samples to listen to cravings for teas that I’ve already tried. It’s been really hard to keep up with the random thing while reading other people’s posts about their own sampler experiences. I really want to try the Coconut Pouchong…but it must wait its turn!

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

lol I think I’d be too tempted by others’ tealogs.

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911 tasting notes

Stupid Firefox crashed and I lost my review. UGH! Take two…

It seems like whenever teaplz and Ricky don’t like a GM tea (or rather don’t love one), I suddenly need to try it. It’s like I want to torture myself with tea. It didn’t work last time with the Lapsang Souchong but I’m thinking it might work this time.

The leaves? Are not happy looking. They are dark olive and brown and dry looking and there seems to be a lot of twiggyness going on. I’m betting on a strike out here. The tea smells… dusty. And I’m not even talking about the dry leaves. I’m talking about the liquid. You know, the wet stuff. And when wet stuff smells dusty? That’s not cool.

Okay, it’s not as bad as I feared. I mean, I was expecting the little red icky face, but this isn’t bad. First off, it’s pretty sweet. Not quite a honey sweet but almost like it’s been sweetened with sugar. Even to the point of an almost sugary aftertaste. As it cools a little bit some tartness is coming in on aftertaste. I’m starting to make a little face after I swallow but it’s nothing horrid. But… that’s it. That’s all I get out of this tea.

So yeah, not nasty but not great. Sort of a generic green tea flavor that really isn’t anything other than wet and a bit sweet. I think this would be a good ‘starter’ tea for someone that just wants to drink tea as some sort of medicinal supplement. It’s not offensive and just a bit boring. But for me it’s not really a good representation of what’s available in the world of green teas.

So not quite torture via tea, but not something I’ll ever want to have again. I might do a second steep just because I pretty much always give greens a second steep. But if I do, no guarantee that I’ll drink the whole cup.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 30 sec

It is a bit bland. Is it because it’s organic? That’s what I was wondering, cause my Rishi’s China breakfast is a bit bland too (Okay, it definitely has more flavor than this or a Twining’s English Breakfast). I mean it’s good, but it doesn’t live up to the whole Best 2008/2009 World Tea Expo breakfast tea. copies my comment for safety :D


I haven’t tried tons of organic stuff but I have heard they tend to be blander/lower quality than their equal costing non-organic counterparts. The exception (I think) is supposed to be some single estate teas but I can’t remember any of the estates so I might have dreamed that.


Agreed! But hey it’s organic! One word makes all the difference :D

I’ll be dreaming about Nepal tonight. I meant A&D’s Nepal.


I suppose they won’t get really get the quality of the organic teas up to their non-organic counterparts until there is a higher demand for organic.


BLAND! Yay, so we agree on this! Boring-ish. And very light, for a green. This one was pretty sweet, but it wasn’t a white sweet. It just wasn’t amazing, overall. Good, but not great. Like I said in my review, I don’t think this is one that’ll knock people’s socks off.


Hrm. I like organic teas. Does that make me weird? Not gonna lie, though, this one sounds blechy.


Organic, when done right, is a great thing. This one? Not so great. Not horrid. Just… dull.

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244 tasting notes

I’m really glad I only have (had) a sample of this, because it’s not even worthy of a swap list. Had I never had green tea before, this would inspire me to try others. The reason for this is that this tea’s fragrance makes a promise on which its flavour simply doesn’t deliver. It is so bland, so utterly featureless, that it couldn’t possibly do the green tea justice.

For most of my mug, I felt like I was drinking little more than sugar water. As the tea cooled, a little bit of flavour came through, and that was pleasant enough, but still unremarkable.

Tea amount: 1 sample packet
Water amount: 8oz./~237mL
Additives: ~2tsp Demerara sugar
Dry mouth factor: 2/10

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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2037 tasting notes

Golden Moon sample No. 12 of 31.

Fate apparently wanted me to drink this one, too, right away — because I drew it out of the basket on the heels of another green and so happened to have the water in the Zo still at 175. (The next one to come out after this was Irish Breakfast, so we’ll be waiting a while to drink that one…)

I’m sure this is the first Ceylon green tea I’ve had, which is interesting in and of itself.

The dry leaves aren’t as deep green as other greens I’ve had. They’re a little browner, with some that almost reach yellow, even. They smell a little toasty. They seem to have some oolong-like characteristics, except in shape where they are long and for the most part not curly though some are almost balled up.

Liquor is a very pale yellow green and has a sweet, vegetal aroma that is similar to that of Chinese greens I have had, but less. By which I mean it suggests a light-bodied tea. Which is, in fact, borne out by the drinking.

In taste, this tea has less depth of flavor than the Teavana Three Kingdoms Mao Feng, which I found lacking in depth. Less vegetal, and not particularly buttery, though it does have some sweetness. I was looking for the subtle candied pineapple and didn’t find it. Candied pineapple in my experience is extremely sugary and that is not this tea. I did, however, taste something that if I stretched (reach out with your feelings, Luke) suggested fresh pineapple, but ratcheted down several major increments from the best fresh, juicy, sweet, pineapple.

I’m glad I got a chance to try something other than a Chinese or Japanese green tea. I probably would not have sought out a Ceylon green. I don’t like this well enough to order more, though.

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 30 sec

::waves hand around mysteriously:: This isn’t the tea you’re looking for. It can go about its business. Move along. ;)

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6768 tasting notes

This is the last of my sample and I am purposely oversteeping to see the difference. I steeped for about 5 to 6 mins. I strongly suggest this. It has more flavor and it isn’t bitter but on the verge of maybe getting bitter if steeped longer. The pineapple like scent DOES come out more if steeped longer. I am going to try multiple infusions.

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371 tasting notes

This morning I felt The Force (i.e. __Morgana__’s tasting note from last night) compelling me to try this tea. When I popped open the packet I was really surprised. There was so little tea inside. I really debated on whether or not to stick to the parameters I’d set for this entire sampler (one bag = the same big-arsed cup). I’d tried spliting up the first few samplers and then gave up since I don’t have a super-accurate way to measure and really wanted to give the teas an equal chance. Well, I stuck with my brainless parameters.

You might want to get ready for my crazy scent-association-o-rama: The packet smelled like a piece of 2X4 that had been cut with a somewhat dull circ saw. Not the burned aspect – but after the wood cools and you get that smell. Kinda woody, but there’s something more to it.

The first steep was really unremarkable. It tastes like if you took a black ceylon tea and removed all the black tea and replaced it with genero-green. Green Drink. And I’ll second __Morgana__’s “Pineapple? Wah?” Nope. It’s genero-sweet that I’m beginning to associate with Ceylon. I actually tried to use the power of suggestion on myself and would think of random sweet things: caramel, honey, and even strawberries and thought that I should be tasting “subtle notes” of each one. Yeah, it pretty much worked. So I’ll say it: “subtle notes of candied pineapple my hiney!”

Don’t get me wrong – it’s a pleasant tea. I did steep it about a minute and a half longer on the second go around. It did give it a teeny-tiny bit more oomph, but not enough to make me want to purchase a larger amount of this tea. NE

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 30 sec

See, my brain totally allowed itself to have candied pineapple suggested to it. Of course, it helps that I’ve never actually EATEN candied pineapple.


LOL! I’ve never had candied pineapple before either. And I’ve rarely had pineapple by itself. I think that the small amount of leaf really affected my overall experience (so remember that in context of this note).

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412 tasting notes

I don’t know about candied pineapple, but this is a sweet and mild green tea. I’m getting hints of smoke, but I might have just been storing this too close to the GM Gunpowder. I’m drinking steeps 1 and 2 simultaneously, and while the color is nigh identical, the first steep has a stronger, sweeter flavor. I’ll update with number 3 in a bit.

As of now, this is nice and I wouldn’t turn down a cup, but I’m not planning to buy more; this is a bit weak for my taste.

2.2g, 6oz

190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 30 sec

Is this the only organic offering in their inventory?


I think so – it’s the only one they single out as organic.

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558 tasting notes

The aroma of this tea was so strongly vegetal it made me gag. Thankfully I brewed it to go in a travelers mug and the lid kept that smell from further hitting my nostrils.

The taste is a light airy green with a slight sweetness and no acidity. I drank about half the mug hot, and enjoyed how refreshing it was, it really quenched my thirst, in a way more astringent teas do not. I got a bit of sweetness out of this hot, but found the sweetness deepened when the tea had cooled off. I’m not tasting candied pineapple, but I do enjoy the lightness of this tea.

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