“Thanks LiberTEAs! This is a mighty fine Jasmine! I like the RINGS and LOVE that it’s an Oolong! At least that is what it says here on Steepster…I certainly wouldn’t have guessed that by looking...” Read full tasting note
“I attempted to visit the ChineseTea-Shop online, but it appears their website is down… maybe maintenance? I hope so… Anyway, this is a nice jasmine. It has a bitter tone to it that hits just...” Read full tasting note
“I got this free sample from ChineseTea-shop.com. They sent it all the way from Singapore! Can you believe that? Anyway, I’m not sure what I was thinking when I chose the Jasmine tea for my sample...” Read full tasting note
Other Names: Moli jin huan, 茉莉金环
Origin: Fujian Province
Description: Golden Ring Jasmine Tea leaves are hand rolled into ring-shaped pieces. Small, round and circular in shape, they are generally made from a single bud and contain white hairs on them. After steeping the rings unravel to reveal the full green bud.
How to brew: Container selected: usually porcelain tea cups with lids are used for brewing flower tea. The tea and water consumption: 3g of tea leaves (about just cover the bottom of the cup) will consume 150ml water. Water temperature and brewing time: the best water temperature is 200-212 F, and the reccomended brewing time is about 3-5 minutes. In order to maintain the original flavor of tea, we suggest not using the tea leaves more than 3 or 4 times.
Harvest Date: Spring, 2010
Company description not available.