Ok. I am a chocolate mint addict. I am a tea addict. And stash’s version of the predictable combo I am about to write about left me wishing for a bit something more.
And here ebay searching got the better of me. Would I dare to by a tea from an unknown company on the ’bay?
I was reluctant. And actually watching the offering dwindle to 2 boxes.
Then on a bored weekend, I did it. Sinned and bought ebay-tea.
And you know what?
It rocks!! A lot! (somuchthat i am writingthisdespitemy spacebarissuesonthiscomputer)
Grand with milk and a hint of sugar, it is in fact a subtle soft version of an after-eight mint. AbFab! And I have a whole cannister to have happy tea days with. In fact. I’d have some right now …well if I wasnt actually out of milk sniffle. :)