“Backlog: The tea looks a lot more like a green tea than a black tea. Because the leaves looked so green, I decided to go with a lower temperature (185°F) to avoid possibly scorching the leaves. A...” Read full tasting note
PRODUCT LINK: http://shop.darjeelingtealovers.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=110
Goomtee Grand Reserve is a LIMITED EDITION tea. Not all teas get the prestigious tag of GRAND RESERVE but this tea deserves every bit of this.
The leaves have been plucked from the highest elevated section of this garden which is also called the MUSCATEL VALLEY. Super fine plucking of the leaves and tender processing has resulted with a masterpiece.
High floral notes with distinct JASMINE LIKE flavour will make every tea connoisseur mesmerized. It is only Goomtee that could deliver such a beauty.
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