Mandarin White Puerh

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Pu'erh Tea
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  • “the bottom of this tasting note is an over caffeinated note from last night. i watched the full “Victoria Wood’s Nice Cup of Tea” part 1 and 2 this morning. the program is very fun and i’m shocked...” Read full tasting note
  • “Oh man. Thank you shmiracles for sending this one along. This is a fantastic little puerh. Another tea that i’ve been siping on this morning as a contrast to the other two darker puerhs i’ve had....” Read full tasting note
  • “What an interesting and beautiful tea. Cute little mandarin orange peels stuffed with beautiful white puerh tea. I gave my leaves a rinse before brewing. I steeped it for a minute which I see was...” Read full tasting note

From Carytown Teas

Mandarin White Puerh

From the careful plucking of centuries old tea bushes, to the rolling on wide wicker baskets to the natural wood fires used to flash heat the mandarin orange peel, everything is done entirely by hand. The cup it produces is outstanding. A light yellow liquor resembling chamomile tea leads to a medium body with a gentle astringent assertiveness, sweet notes of citrus, honey and vanilla lead to a suprisingly clean finish.
Origin: Fujian, China

Reputed Health benefits: -Puerh tea significantly lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol while simultaneously boosting HDL (good) cholesterol.
-Shrinks fat cells
-Aids in weight loss
-Blocks fat absorption in meat heavy diets
Tasting Notes; Light cup wih exotic mandarin sweetness.

Brewing Instructions: Traditional brewing method; Break off enough tea for one cup (about 1 gram), 1st brew – 30 seconds, 2nd brew-40 secs, 3rd brew-40 secs, 4th brew-60 secs, 5th brew-90 secs, 6th brew 120 secs. Witheach brew shifts in terms of strength of flavor.

Ingredients: Organic & Fair Trade Puerh Tea

About Carytown Teas View company

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3 Tasting Notes

814 tasting notes

the bottom of this tasting note is an over caffeinated note from last night.

i watched the full “Victoria Wood’s Nice Cup of Tea” part 1 and 2 this morning.
the program is very fun and i’m shocked i hadn’t learned about it earlier. it never occurred to me that there would be shows about tea! how exciting!
while watching there was one moment that was totally weird, but during the first episode they showed a grandiose dance performance in china that was about the story of tea, where at the end of the performance they gave the entire audience each a cup of tea. and for some mysterious reason, i started crying.
i mean really?
i was so moved i actually started crying.
i think i’m in too deep. whew!

i like this tea much more this time around! the rind adds a strong pithy flavor to the tea. earthy and pithy and oddly dark in flavor. i don’t know much about what a white puerh should taste like. it is a complicated balance of both delicate and dark flavors. which makes sense. i’m glad i bought this when i did.

Hell! tonight was shot becuzzzz…..

JacquelineM got me started with this awesome vid! (THANKS!)
Morrissey talks tea with Victoria Wood
and then i went here
Doctor Who’s Matt Smith Talks Tea – Victoria Wood’s Nice Cup of Tea
and then naturally here
Mark Ruffalo acts out a fan’s dream conversation – The Graham Norton Show
and then i naturally progressed to the Martin Freeman episode of Who Do You Think You Are. and on and on.
you know.
internet binge.


the full “Victoria Wood’s Nice Cup of Tea” episodes are online. fyi

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15544 tasting notes

Oh man. Thank you shmiracles for sending this one along. This is a fantastic little puerh. Another tea that i’ve been siping on this morning as a contrast to the other two darker puerhs i’ve had. The aroma of this one is light and refreshing and totally mandarin. This one tastes like the essences of mandarin – it’s not artificial (which it shouldn’t given it’s just absorbed the oils from the rind) and it’s subtle. I will for sure be exploring more of this type of puerh for when i need something that’s less strong and dark. thank you shmiracles!

Edit: this resteeps quite nicely and even after the 4th or so steep the manadarin was still coming through, though it was becoming a heavier cup of tea

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219 tasting notes

What an interesting and beautiful tea. Cute little mandarin orange peels stuffed with beautiful white puerh tea.

I gave my leaves a rinse before brewing. I steeped it for a minute which I see was a bit long according to the directions here (no internet at home to check). Each sip brought different notes to light. My first sip tasted mostly like a white tea with a hint of orange at the end. By my last sip, I was tasting notes of honey and citrus. I can’t wait to try the brewing instructions suggested above and see what comes from that :)

Thanks, sissy, for sending me this!!


oh wow! wow wow! you got this rare little bird too! you’re sister is thoughtful :)
i haven’t sampled this since i bought it. and it really deserves some more of my time.

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