“This was a gift from Derk, thank you so much! I had no idea quite how to brew this beautiful tea, which looks like long twigs and pine sprigs. Camellia Sinensis’ website recommended 3g to 500ml at...” Read full tasting note
“Last year, or was it early this year, I placed an order with Camellia Sinensis because I saw they offered some unique herbal teas that are wild-harvested from Québec. Labrador tea is in the genus...” Read full tasting note
“When tea drinkers live dangerously. That’s actually kind of true here. Apparently you’re really not supposed to drink this stuff if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, and it has a ‘slightly...” Read full tasting note
Composition : Buds, stems and small leaves of Labrador tea
(Rhododendron groenlandicum)
From the peatland of Lake Saint-Jean, the downy leaves of this native plant of the Rhododendron genus disclose, in infusion, a lively and light liquor, supported by strong citrus and camphor aromas. Its vegetal character is reminiscent of lichen and cedar. Anti-inflammatory and decongestant, its essential oil is also calming.
Its essential oil is considered anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antibacterial, decongestant and effective in treating various broncho pulmonary diseases (not surprising that many indigenous First Nations have adopted it to fight colds and flu), Labrador tea is also known for its calming and slightly stupefying influence helping to combat insomnia and anxiety; it is also acknowledged in the role of hepatic draining and regeneration of liver cells. Lastly it is a digestive, aids the menstrual cycle and help in the process of labour in women about to give birth.
Please note: Because of its high tannin, high doses or extended infusion can cause cramps and stomach aches. It is therefore better not infuse too long and to ration consumption. Consumption is also not recommended for women pregnant six months or less and children under six years old.
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