Enjoyed this session paired with some sweet and tangy apricots. It’s a beautifully soft and smooth sheng pu’erh with delicate notes of fresh white flowers, peach skins, pear puree, a touch of sweet sake, and a little bit of a greener and herbaceous backend that reminds me ever so slightly of Greek Mountain Tea. Not only was this really complimentary to the apricots, but the huigan is fantastic as well. Though you do have to be careful with the pairing as the fruit can easily take over the tea with its intensity, so tiny nibbles in between steeps is the way to go!
Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/DEK3ouxOw0Y/?img_index=1
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDowe8U7f5w&ab_channel=22%C2%BAHalo