“Full Review on March 11th on http://sororiteasisters.com/ Here are snippits: I have a handful of favorite strawberry teas and I have to say this one rivals them all. Considering the cost point of...” Read full tasting note
“I’ve almost finished this tea without even rating it yet! I’ve gone back to this one many times to make a latte with, it’s really great for that. The dry leaves smell mainly of whipped cream and...” Read full tasting note
Cup Characteristics: A full bodied sweet and creamy cup. Perfect with a dash of sugar and a splash of milk. This ones
amazing over ice.
Infusion: Bright and Coppery.
Information: Who doesnt love Strawberry Shortcake? Fresh strawberries pastry icing sugar fresh cream. In a word, scrumptious. The original recipe can be traced back to a 19th century American food writer named Eliza Leslie. Her shtick, (even back then all food writers and celebrity chefs had one) was to incorporate various elements of French cuisine into American cooking. Her recipe called for a special pastry crust that was a cross between traditional pastry and cookie dough, cut into rounds with mashed strawberries sandwiched between them, covered in icing sugar. Phew! The recipe spread like wildfire and spawned many variations. One that saw the addition of fresh whipped became the Strawberry Shortcake most of us are familiar with today. This tea has all the great flavors of the sweet creamy dessert with none of the calories, (read guilt free). Dessert in a teacup. Nothing could be finer.
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