Tea of the Week for March 4, 2019!
One of the well-known fast food chains out there has a few exclusive soda choices on their fancy new cola dispensers – and one of those choices has become a favorite soda of mine. I don’t drink soda often (as I’ve said probably more than once) but when I do, I’m very selective about my choices. I rarely choose the simple Coke or Pepsi, but instead, choose a Wild Cherry Pepsi or a Dr. Pepper – something different from the top two. Or I’ll create some magical concoction by mixing lemonade with orange soda – a magic made easier these days with the aforementioned fancy new cola dispensers. So when I noticed these three exclusive flavors from one fast food chain, I was definitely intrigued. The other two (Cherry Vanilla and Orange Vanilla) were OK, but the one I really loved was the Root Beer with berry and vanilla flavors. I loved it – a lot. And that’s high praise given my usual indifference for soda in general.
So rather than visiting the fast food chain on a daily basis to get my fill on this lovely new beverage that I had fallen in love with and risk rotting out my teeth from all that sugar, I decided to save my teeth, not to mention the gas to travel to the fast food chain (as well as saving me from eating more fast food because, you know, since I’m there anyway, I might as well grab something to eat . . . ) and instead, create a tea inspired by the beverage and in the process, save my teeth, my health and the planet in the process. (I’m sure Marvel will be creating a superhero in my likeness for this deed any day now.)
I started with a blend of black teas – Assam for malt, Yunnan for depth, and a blend of Ceylon and Vietnamese teas to help round out the flavors and to add some smoothness – and added some root beer essence as well as a touch of vanilla extract and vanilla bean, plus some blueberries, raspberries, strawberries & blackberries. Then I added a little bit of sarsaparilla root and marshmallow root.
And – what do you know? I managed to create a little magic of my own without that fancy soda dispenser!
This magical tea is organic, VEGAN, gluten free and allergen free!
organic ingredients: black teas, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, marshmallow root, sarsaparilla root, vanilla bean & natural flavors