15544 Tasting Notes
Another tea from Della Terra! I got to try this one in my new double walled cup that I picked up today because I miss seeing my tea in all it’s glory. Inspired to get on that after seeing the rich raspberry colour from my earlier tea from Della Terra. So I have to say that I am a totaly baby when it comes to spicy! My noes starts to water at things that are barely spicey. With this tea though, I’m inclined to agree with Azzrian that it needs a bit more kick. The flavor is quite nice but a little too subtle for me. I know they’re going to offer a spicy x3 version of this, so i’ll need to try that one and see how it goes :) Overall though, a nice tea.
Mmmmmm this will be a fantastic iced tea. I made it hot and pretty much after a sip tossed it in the fridge to cool. I don’t think I’d ever drink this hot as there too much wonderful fruity goodness going on here – something I much prefer cold. I’m going to try and bring this to the gym tomorrow for my post workout drink. Also, the color on this one is amazing. I’ll get another tasting note up once I’d had it iced and rate it then. Yay for fruit explosions!
This tea is sponsered in part by Helena even if I did get the sample from indigobloom For those who aren’t following Helena she posts almost daily with this tea as her morning wake up and go tea. As a result, I’ve been wanting to try it for a bit. When indigo gave it to me she mentioned someone about the lemon but i was feeling overwhelmed by all the tea, likely muttered something incoherent that she took to mean i understood what shed said and then promptly forgot what it was :)
In any case, this is a lovely tea. I can understand having this as a staple in my cupboard. Stacy is going to awesomely bump up getting the grapefruit tea out so I’ll have to pick up some of this one when that comes out. I’ve already told my other half that because she’s so awesome there WILL be another tea order even though I promised to wait haha. He agreed but only if I can finish getting through all the samples in our house ATM. I figure if I can knock 10 out every weekend I should be good!
As for this tea….since this is apparently a random talk about everything else post – no I’m not awake yet-it reminds me of another butiki tea that I can’t place my finger on at the moment. Probably having sometig to do with the base. Once I figure out what the hell indigo told me about this tea I’ll be in a good place.
It’s definitely my favourite morning wake up tea. However I’m currently out… I know it’s such a crime, abosolutely criminal. I have to clear a bit of space in my cupboard before I can order more and I want to try some of the new stuff Stacy has put on her site :D
LOL I know I know! this was a sample I got from Azzrian and she had a special blend made up without the lemongrass. So it’s a bit different than the description
I’m guessing this tea reminded you of the Tangerine Creamsicle? Both have guayusa bases and citrus fruits with some cream flavor.
Oh man…so this is caffeine free, which is bad new bears for me since it’s delicious! and can be an evening tea for me as i try not to drink too much caffeine in the evening even though it doesn’t affect me.
So first off…the smell…oh man the smell. See I looooove lattes and cappacinos and caramel machiatos and this…this smells divine! I’m sure if Ian was here he’d be asking me why i was making coffee when i have 5 pounds of tee to drink!
So, on to the taste. I steeped it for the 5 mins, and I’m thinking next time i’ll up the time a bit and/or add a bit extra to the mix. It’s a little light on the flavour for me but that’s also likely because of the smell, which has me expecting full on coffee haha I’m also tempted to add a wee bit of milk or cream to this just to see what happens…but another time. I may just need to take advantage of the sale (free 2oz!) going on this weekend with della terra…course then i need a plan for sneaking it into the house as well haha. Maybe this one gets sent to work… Really a nice tee for anyone who loves that caramel/cappacino type flavor. The roiboos doesn’t even phase me :)
mmm….this is delicious. I have to say, pumpkin isn’t anything that I enjoy. Sacriledge I know but i hate pumpkin pie too lol! However, this tea…this tea is wonderful. I’m going to have to order this for myself I think. I’d love to have this for the fall on thos colder evenings when you can see your breath in the air.
Sooo…what did i like about this tea? The spice :) What did i not like about this tea? The smell. I won’t share what the smell reminded me of since nobody wants to read that lol What this tea does do though is make me excited for the malted chocomate that’s on it’s way to my place!
I kinda want to feed this one to my other half to see what he thinks but sadly he’s at work while i’m my tea journey today heh.
I needed a break from all the flavours happening in my mouth with the tea craziness today so I opted for this one. This was just what I needed. Nothing to add beyond what’s already been said about this tea, but I will say that it’s just the break I needed from my flavored teas. :)
so let me just say, it’s hot! I’m cleaning and the weather here is hot and I’m drinking hot tea all day lol. I must be insane. Nw I am not a fan of pistachio ice cream, but I am a fan of butiki teas! So when indigobloom asked if I wanted to try it I of course said “more tea?! Ok!”
This is not a tea I’d order again but I’m glad for the chance to taste it. I think I have a few friends who would really love it so I’ll be letting them know. I DO however love the smooth taste of this tea and the nutty flavor. It’s not a bad tea – just not one I’d keep regularly in my cupboard since there are so many others I love more :)
Lol gotta be careful when you use that word around here Helena…..in the US rockets are actually smarties….not to be confused with our smarties. ;)
Smarties. Which is why I suspect OUR rockets are called rockets….
OUR smarties aren’t sold in the us….Unless that’s changed recently, pretty sure they wouldn’t do very well either given the monopoly/insanity that is the us and their m&m craze
that’s okay we don’t get the good flavours of Kit-Kat those are reserved for Japan. Japan gets honey flavoured, green tea, cherry blossom etc… shame those Kit-Kats are only in Japan…
Neat! Didn’t know that was the case. In other random flavour news, if you ever go to disney’s epcot (in florida, though i assume they have the same thing in california) there’s coke stand where you can try the different kinds of coke products that are sold/popular in different countries around the world. It’s neat! and free! lol