Brigadoon Breakfast

Tea type
Black White Blend
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Floral, Malt, Melon, Tannin, Smoke
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Edit tea info Last updated by Michael
Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 11 oz / 325 ml

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From Adagio Teas

Like the fictional Scottish town of Brigadoon, this special Leap Year tea only appears once every few years. Luckily, it’s every four years instead of a hundred!

Celebrate Leap Day with this Scottish Breakfast Blend of Assam and Keemun teas. We’ve added a touch of Silver Needle and blue cornflowers to evoke the blue and white of the Scottish flag that Brigadoon would fly.

Leap Day is needed to correct the fact that the Gregorian calendar year is about 6 hours shorter than a solar calendar year. The extra day is an opportunity to do something out of the ordinary, something that doesn’t come along too often. So this February 29th, order a cup of Brigadoon Breakfast Tea, or wait until 2016.

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Adagio Teas has become one of the most popular destinations for tea online. Its products are available online at and in many gourmet and health food stores.

18 Tasting Notes

334 tasting notes

I understand that there’s a massive cult following with this tea due to its appearance every Leap Year. I’ve been sitting on my sample for a long time from the second to last order received from Adagio (I had a few ounces ordered amongst the lost/last order, and Adagio never made it right…I’ve since parted ways after having lost $100 of tea + awards.) Maybe it’s the sample or me, but the tea is okay. It has all the components of a good breakfast tea, but without the 3oz, I’ll never know if it was the uneven portion from the sample or the tea itself.

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3004 tasting notes

Thanks to our encourager and enabler ashmanra, I have fallen toes-over-teacup in love with Brigadoon. I think it’s the cornflower that gives it the little extra starchy sweetness that distinguishes it from conventional breakfast tea.

I’m trying to enjoy it while it’s fresh and new. But since hoarding is hard-wired into my DNA, I was reluctant to shell out enough teaspoons to make iced tea with it. However, it is delicious cold! Smooth and inherently sweet.


Glad you like it! <3


Next time, lure me toward something that’s available more like every other Wednesday ;)


I am hoping to find something nearly identical to this one. I will keep you posted.

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3475 tasting notes

March Sipdown Challenge Prompt – a breakfast tea

I have been eagerly awaiting this tea. I broke my buying ban because I fell for the gimmick of releasing this tea only on Leap Day AND for the really good reviews I have seen, beginning with Nicole’s review on Sororitea Sisters blog.

It is everything the most favorable reviews said. It is Assam, Keemun, silver tips, and blue cornflower, but the main aroma of dry leaf and steeped tea is Assam. Since Assam can give me a stomach ache if it is too harsh, I gave this a three minute steep. It has all the strength of Assam but none of the stomach irritation. Think of it as a top notch Scottish or Irish Breakfast blend.

Since I had to wait for the post to bring it to try it, I was having it in the afternoon with Fortnum and Mason Florentine cookies and they were very nice together, but tomorrow morning it will definitely be my breakfast tea!

I am really glad I bought two bags, and almost wish I had bought three. And they sent an amazing sampler box of six or seven different loose leaf teas with it!


Mmm! The “buy it now or never see it again” gimmick is just kind of brilliant.

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16863 tasting notes

From earlier in the week. I just wanted a sort of standard and plain breakfast style black tea I could drink hot and straight. Nothing that commanded attention or required though; just predictable and comforting because of that predictability. This fit the bill and so I really have nothing else to add aside from that fact.

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201 tasting notes

Hey Teamail!

My Adagio order was on my doorstep when I woke up today, so I immediately brewed up a mug of this. I am a bit iffy on the brewing instructions, as it said to use boiling water, and there is Silver Needle in this. But, for scientific purposes, we will do it their way first.

Brewed western, 212F/1.5tsp/12oz/4min

Taste is… oooch, let that cool why don’t you! Ok, this has a strong black tea taste with flavors of malt, tannin, and a hint of leather. However, I can also taste the silver needle, giving it a fruity flavor, with notes of melon. It kinda does taste like cereal! But you know what this reminds me of more? If sort of reminds me of that one W2T cake Hot Brandy. Considering that that tea was also a blend of black/white tea, I’m not surprised. Obviously, the W2T tea is much more complex and flavorful, but this stuff is really good as well. The flavor profiles somehow do mesh together well, and I wonder how much caffeine this stuff has. It’d probably be a great wake-up tea for cold mornings like today.

Overall, what do I think? Well, I love it. The different base elements blend together into a lovely cuppa that is both malty and floral. I’m glad I got the big tin of this, not just for presentation effect, but so that I can drink this without hesitation until I can get more. I think I would like to keep this one around. It’s really good.

Song Pairing:

Flavors: Floral, Malt, Melon, Tannin

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 12 OZ / 354 ML

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1959 tasting notes

Made with raw sugar cubes and milk. Tasty, easy to drink, malty. Exactly what you’d expect from a breakfast blend.

Evol Ving Ness

Sometimes there’s just nothing better than a good breakfast tea.

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14 tasting notes

This was smokier than I had imagined but I really like smokey teas so it was a good surprise. It is very bright and smooth which tones down a bit of the Assam’s natural bitterness. It is a lot less intense than an Irish breakfast or even and English breakfast tea.

Also tried this is a homemade tea latte and the milk and vanilla brought out more of a caramel type flavor like you’d get with a coffee that wasn’t over roasted/brewed.This made the tea even smoother.

I am going to be buying more bags in 2020 because it is a nice alternative to Earl Grey for my go to weekend cuppa.

Flavors: Smoke

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630 tasting notes

Finishing this up! Starting weight watchers has refocused me on making sure I drink more tea, for hydration purposes, and I am so glad! The past two weeks have reminded me how much I love it!

This one is earthy and strong, really perfect for a quick wake up drink for every day. Not my most favorite in the world…but good.

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47 tasting notes

A solid breakfast tea. The taste is very dark and malty.

Flavors: Malt

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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57 tasting notes

Couldn’t resist the novelty of this one. It’s a really clean, basic breakfast blend. It’s been a while since I’ve had a tea that wasn’t flavored, so this was a refreshing change.
EDIT: Upping my rating because when I had this yesterday, I added a bit more sugar than I usually do and these deep, delicious cocoa notes came out. It was glorious.

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