Weeping Angel Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Teas, Flavors, Marigold Petals
Alcohol, Burnt Sugar, Malt, Marzipan, Metallic, Smooth, Caramel
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Southern Boy Teas
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 15 sec 3 g 10 oz / 309 ml

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80 Tasting Notes View all

  • “First impression: this tastes much like Pot O’ Gold. Kinda caramelly-sweet, and all that. I think I may have accidentally diluted it a bit too much, so the flavour’s a bit weaker than I’d like, but...” Read full tasting note
  • “I am the first? Yippee! I made this tea for a little afternoon tea and cookies time with my hubby and a friend. The friend is fairly new to good tea – he told me a few weeks ago that all he had...” Read full tasting note
  • “Another one I thought was gone! This really is the last cup now, though. I’m in a sweet mood today, so I’m drinking this with milk and sugar. I brewed it while I was faffing with the photocopier,...” Read full tasting note
  • “So i’ve discovered…that i can only drink this if i add sugar, which i generally never do. Without the added sweetness to bring the flavours out, this is a like a very boring, bland, icky cup of...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

So, yesterday was Steven Moffat’s birthday. For my customers who don’t know who he is, I feel for you. For those of you who don’t care, please forgive my self-indulgent nerd fest this week; this week’s tea will probably “not compute” if you are not a Dr. Who fan.

If you happen to be someone from the BBC’s legal department, please don’t sue me. As cool as it would be to be sued for my Dr. Who fandom, I really don’t have any money, and it would be a shame to “Exterminate” 52teas. We’re mostly harmless (to mix nerd references).

So, I’m sure you are wondering, what exactly is a Weeping Angel tea? Well, what else could it be, but a tea flavored like my favorite Dr. Who snack? It’s a buttered toffee caramel corn flavored black tea, and it’s heavenly–amazing enough to make a weeping angel smile.

But… Don’t Blink! This one will be gone before you know it.

Our Tea of the Week for the week of November 19, 2012

About 52teas View company

At 52teas.com, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

80 Tasting Notes

6117 tasting notes

First impression: this tastes much like Pot O’ Gold. Kinda caramelly-sweet, and all that. I think I may have accidentally diluted it a bit too much, so the flavour’s a bit weaker than I’d like, but it’s good. Sadly though, this doesn’t have the amazing caramelly flavour of Cashew Turtle that I was really, really hoping for, but it’s a good enough blend. I’m finding it to be just a bit astringent/bitter; I need to try and remember to use my Finum filters for blends that have little particles that may make them bitter if they sit too long.

I will have to make sure that the boy warns me when we’re about to encounter the Weeping Angels in Dr. Who – IIRC they’re in season 3? And we just finished watching the sad, sad season 2 finale. :)

ETA: After sitting overnight, this one is actually BETTER. Tastes like liquid caramel corn in a cup! Awesome!

ETA again: Re-steep only has a bit of flavour, but it’s not great. Fairly typical for 52teas blacks, so I’m not too concerned! Just makes it easier to travel mug knowing I don’t need to resteep :D

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

Yay you’re starting to get in to the even better stuff. And dear god yes it’s a sad sad ending. I bawled my head off lol


Oh yes, more Weeping Angels, even in the most recent season, and have your tissues too.


For whatever reason, I managed to hold it together throughout the last episode. My boyfriend is not fond of tears (ok, who is?), but that wouldn’t normally hold me back, I guess I just wasn’t feeling overly emotional at that time :P It was heartbreaking when the Doctor was crying though :’(


I told my DH about this tea and he was all, “Don’t Drink! Drink and you’re dead!” :P


hahaha oh man that’s funny heather


Bahahahahaha :P


Yeah, so then he said, “They didn’t think the name of the tea out very well, did they?” but I told him what the page said it was created for, and he was like, “ok” but then he is a man of many puns, so that’s what I get for telling him about it.

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3478 tasting notes

I am the first? Yippee!

I made this tea for a little afternoon tea and cookies time with my hubby and a friend. The friend is fairly new to good tea – he told me a few weeks ago that all he had ever had was Lipton with milk and sugar. His first “good” tea shocked him. He said he didn’t know there was tea that wasn’t astringent. Now he takes his tea at my house with no additions because he says he really wants to taste and experience the tea.

For hubby, I added a tiny sprinkle of sugar that I was afraid was not enough for him, because he takes black tea with lots of sugar normally. But he liked this even though it was only lightly sweetened. Mine and our guest’s had no sugar and was delightful. The aroma is fabulous, from the moment you tear the top of the bag. The tea is smooth – I steeped on the short side, just three minutes, because I wasn’t sure what the base was. It would be fine longer, I think.

As it was, it was an excellent tea, and my guest was very enthusiastic about it and really enjoyed it.
I think the addition of milk and sugar would probably take this over the top into decadent dessert territory. I think I will try it that way next!


Did you manage to keep from blinking for the entire pot?


You seem to have the best luck converting people to tea! Go you!


Sandy: Didn’t try! I think maybe if you drink enough of it you stop blinking from all the caffeine!
Mercuryhime: it always surprises me, too, when someone really loves it and starts trying new things. I think it is exciting!


It’s that classic ashmanra graciousness and hospitality that goes with the tea that gets ‘em when they’re not looking :)


Aw, shucks! Thanks, G!

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2238 tasting notes

Another one I thought was gone! This really is the last cup now, though. I’m in a sweet mood today, so I’m drinking this with milk and sugar. I brewed it while I was faffing with the photocopier, so it got about 4 minutes in the end.

I still like this as much as I did the first time I tried it. The caramel flavour actually isn’t as strong as the Yumchaa Caramel Sweetheart I drank previously, but it’s definitely there. It’s a sort of toffee popcorn taste, more than anything. The black tea base, as ever, is pretty perfect. Smooth and unobtrusive, it just lets the flavouring shine through.

I was pining for this one a couple of weeks back, so I’m glad to have had the (albeit unexpected!) opportunity to reacquaint myself with it. I’m feeling pretty dreadful at the moment, covering reception with a headache and the beginnings of a cold. Maybe I’ll step up my tea consumption a little — that’s bound to make me feel better!

Oh well, back to work…

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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15534 tasting notes

So i’ve discovered…that i can only drink this if i add sugar, which i generally never do. Without the added sweetness to bring the flavours out, this is a like a very boring, bland, icky cup of average not so exciting black tea. Add a wee bit of sweetner and all the flavours that were hiding, come out to play! much better, but i still dislike having to add sugar. Rating bumped up a wee bit.

Boiling 2 min, 15 sec

I was seriously considering buying this one just a few hours before you posted, and am very glad I didn’t now!


Some are really enjoying it. It’s pretty meh for mE, middle of the road.


Not worth the risk of shipping to Ireland, anyway! But I appreciate your fairness. :)


I could send you some if you like


Thank you! That’s very generous of you, but I think I’ll hold off until I get some teas here I can send to people in return.


If you change your mind, happy to send you some if you drop me a quick pm. If it makes you feel better i can always send you some with a promise that you can send me something in return by the end of the year lol (i’m not fussed about it, i have lots of teas and just like trying new things)

Terri HarpLady

I only wanted to try this while watching the Doctor :)


I actually really liked this tea! And I served it to hubby and a friend and they liked it, too. I wonder if it is different tastes or different batch that is making the difference?


Hallieod: if I can get a sample of this to my future skn-in-law by tomorrow he could bring it to N. Ireland and mail it to you, but I don’t know that I will see him before he goes back! I will definitely give him some for you if I see him. He leaves the US Saturday.


ash – i’m send her some this weekend for sure


Thanks to Ashmanra – I didn’t update here because Sil sent me a PM, but kind of glad I didn’t as it’s fun to see these worldwide tea-related connections! (My younger daughter was born in NC.)


Sil: Great! I won’t get to see him after all. He has been really sick during this visit so they are taking today to do a little touring.

Halliday: that is awesome! My daughter met her beloved when he was an exchange student at her college. She later found out that his uncle who lives in Dublin has come to a town just down the road from us for many years. Where in NC were you?


Hallieod: well, now we know what autocorrect changes your username to!


Gotta love autocorrect! Will move over to PM so as not to flood Sil with comments.

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357 tasting notes

We’re starting to get settled into our new home, well for the short term at least (prior to having to move back out for the big extension project that will likely start in a few months). We received the keys to the house at the beginning of the week, and we’ve been going going going ever since. It’s nice to finally be able to take a quick tea break to visit with my fellow steepster friends!

I must confess I don’t watch Dr Who…I have no idea what it’s about. I generally don’t watch much t.v., but when I do, it’s usually something that makes me laugh, like a sitcom, or Ellen, or something on the Home and Garden Network (Property Brothers is my favorite right now). So I know nothing about the angel on this package, or why she is weeping. I bought this tea solely based on the fact that it has the word caramel in the description…Dr. Who fans – don’t judge me ;)

This tea is making my living room smell delicious. I’m getting a lot of black tea, and the butter toffee caramel flavor is much more subtle than I anticipated. I think I may need to read some other tealogs for and see if any of you have figured out a way to coax the toffee flavor to the forefront. I really was hoping for more toffeeness, but when it comes to caramel flavored teas I like it front and center, I mean, borderline obnoxious. As I brewed this, it would suit people who prefer more subtle flavors.

Back to cleaning and unpacking for me… and enjoying tea, of course.
Claire, I believe you’re doing the moving thing also – cheers! I hope it’s going well for you :)


I also like obnoxiously-flavoured caramel/toffee teas :D Unfortunately, although the first time i had this, it tasted great when it cooled, my second cup was pretty meh. I’ll have to see if I can repeat the results of the first time…


I think explaining this episode of Dr Who would make it just sound silly but it was truly one of the creepiest things I have seen on TV.


Well, from what I’ve heard “Blink” is a pretty good introduction episode for the curious. That or “Eleventh Hour”, but that’s not as WeepingAngel relevant.

Woo! for getting the keys!


Exciting that you’re settling into a new home! And I’m the same way. I like the flavours to go POW!


Doctor Who has plenty of comedic moments :)


@Kittenna – If you figure out the trick, keep me posted please

@KS,Cavocorax and Andie – I’ll have to check it out some time. I hope it’s not one of those shows that you have to see in order to understand what’s going on.

@Incendiare – It’s very exciting. Keeping me super busy, but fun nonetheless.

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1445 tasting notes

In all honesty, the first impression reminded me of butterbeer. It’s buttery, sweet, and has a mellow black base. Instead of root beer, however, I’m definitely picking up a “corn” component, along with caramel and toffee; the self description is bang on. It feels like DT’s Movie Night too, although I like this better.

All in all, not bad! I wanted to drink this while watching the Christmas special, but ended up making myself some of that Browncoat Genmaicha for the occasion. As much as I enjoyed the Ponds I’m ready for some new faces.

Every time I reach that point where there are no more episodes out I always get the urge to go back and try to watch the old Doctor Who. I think I was up to The Aztecs (006/F) last time… Going to the beginning is like traveling in a time box. How things have changed! I wish I knew an easier way to get a hold of the episodes.

Edit: Backlog on second steep. I found the toffee component to be very vivid on second steep- the tea held up well! If I hadn’t had a toffee crunch kitkat bar a day before I wouldn’t have been able to pick it out at all; I thought it was from an interesting black base at first. I’m bad at distinguishing things!

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 30 sec

Oh, want want want now!!! (Mine is currently being held hostage by momo although that’s not her fault, it’s Lupicia’s, haha.)

ALSO. IIRC, my boyfriend recently mentioned that the old Dr. Who is actually now on Netflix??? I think he said it was the American one though (and IIRC you’re in Canada?) and not the Canadian netflix :(


Canadian Netflix only has some of the old stuff, and not full series either. I keep meaning to watch them though. I still need to dl series 7 and catch up with everyone else.


I just started watching the new series since starting to date my boyfriend, so I’m only a season and a couple episodes in so far, haha.


That’s awesome. I found it was pretty cheesy at the start but it got better and better.
I’m also a little in love with the tenth doctor. ;p

I wish my bf would watch it. Instead he just teases me.


Haha, it’s good for a laugh most evenings! We’re halfway through the Cybermen episodes (two-part, I think?)

My (female) roommate is obsessed with the tenth doctor, hahaha. I tend not to get crushes on actors, though, so I’m pretty safe (I guess the only one I have room for in my heart is my boyfriend! D’awwwwwww :P)

Autistic Goblin

use spotflux.com and you can get american netflix (even when your in Canada ) I’ve been watching Ultimate Spiderman, Doctor Who (new stuff), Grey’s Anatomy, Sons of Anarchy, etc… Unfortunately Dexter seasons 1-6 was only watchable on Canadian netflix so I had to disable spotflux briefly :D


Is it free? I know my bf gets American netflix somehow, and pays for Canadian netflix for his mom (therefore he was watching Torchwood at his mom’s place).


I mean, is switching to American free, I realize Netflix itself still costs money regardless!


Kitenna – if you guys want to borrow my dr who i have them all on dvd and blu-ray once they started making themin blu ray quality.


Thanks for the offer Sil! I think we’re ok for now, but if we can’t locate some seasons (I think Netflix has most of them?) I’ll talk to you! :D


just remember… it’s blu ray! (after season 4 i think it is..or at season 4…i never remember)


Thanks for the heads up!


Thanks for the suggestions, everyone! spotflux sounds promising.

Autistic Goblin

spotflux is free :D as long as your paying for a netflix account you sign in as normal and it directs you to american netflix. Hulu is also free (some commercials though in Hulu)


Cool! I will mention this to the bf. We watched Once Upon A Time via Hulu tonight – commercials were a bit annoying, but not too bad (I’m just spoiled having not watched “live” TV for a few years!)


Sounds like a relaxing evening together! I don’t know of this “live” TV you speak of. Thanks for reminding me about Once Upon A Time- I’ve been meaning to check it out.


Haha, I mean, everything I watch is either downloaded/PVR-ed, or commercial-free in some sense, so I’m no longer used to enduring the absurd amount of commercials TV stations air :)

Once is a fun show, IMO!


I know there is a way to get American Netflix in Canada…I think you have to trick the server with a US IP address somehow, like maybe a proxy server or something.

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16875 tasting notes

Shockingly, Tre asked me to make him some tea last night without any prompting on my part. Even more shocking, he asked for this one specifically! I’m so proud right now.

So, steeped this up for him and stole a few sips. It was pretty good; definitely got the toffee popcorn taste from it – which is sad because I know he doesn’t really appreciate the finer flavours/details and the last few cups I’ve made for myself haven’t had them (but this one did). Oh well, the cups I did make for myself last night were good too.


Oh i love when my daughter asks for some certain tea. i must feel some accomplishment especially if ppl who asks you are not really into tea


LOL actually had that moment last night…my Dad came home, noticed the nice fruity tea smell and asked for some. Unfortunatly the 2 times my Step Mom has asked for tea from me, she has not liked. sighs

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4843 tasting notes

Seriously … YUM!

I took the first few sips without any additions, and I found it so yummy, but, I thought something was missing … and that something was the popcorn. To remedy this, I recommend adding a tiny bit of salt. I added about half a pinch of salt to my 12 ounce mug, and it turned out perfect! The popcorn flavors emerged, and it gave a very enjoyable salty-sweet contrast without tasting too much like salt.

It is really good – rich, buttery, toffee/caramel-y deliciousness. Sweet and savory. Just GOOD!


I’m saving mine for a Doctor Who party, but I’ll remember the pinch of salt!

Crowkettle I can’t wait to try this while watching the Christmas special tomorrow night.. (Yeah, I’m behind). Pinch of salt is a neat tip.

My kids and godson are in the den right now watching old old Doctor Who!


Oh that sounds so good. I wish I had ordered some when I had the chance.


Oooh, excited for this one!

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361 tasting notes

Backlog from yesterday.

I bought this tea because I actually really love movie night from davids tea so was excited to try 52s caramel toffee popcorn. I read some notes so that I could get an idea for the ideal preparation method and I did about 3 mins at a little under boiling. Then I let it cool a bit. I could definitely taste the toffee-ish flavors, but no popcorn. So I added a little salt to see if that would bring out the popcorn, no luck. And then it just tasted strange.

Anybody have any suggestions for this one? I want to like it, but I couldn’t tweak it quite right. Suggestions?


Honestly, I got the best flavour from this one after it had cooled and sat by my bed overnight. Other than that, I actually am not the biggest fan of it, as it turns out, because the flavouring just isn’t prominent enough.


I would suggest cold brewing it—after a long (12 hour) steep, it tastes like those buttered popcorn jellybeans to me!


I love those jelly beans!!!! I have to try that! So this is a silly question, but what’s the best way to cold brew?


I like to cold brew overnight in a regular tall drinking glass (with an aluminum foil cap to keep scent contamination at bay), though I know a lot of people love mason jars for cold brewing. Fill it up with filtered water and add a teaspoon or two of leaves-as much as you’d use for 8oz of hot water, since it’ll sit for such a long time you can go light on the leaf. You can also add sugar if you like, it will dissolve overnight. Pop it in the fridge, let it sit for 10-12 hours, then pour it through a sieve or similar device to get out the leaves. Voila, iced tea! You can obviously heat it up as well though haha


I’ll give that a go tonight. I have a few I may try that with as well. Thanks!


No problem! Cold brewing is actually my favorite method for making tea.

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814 tasting notes

shh don’t tell anyone but i’m at work drinking this tea and listening to the first 9th doctor episode of doctor who.
i’m a 9th doctor girl. and i love the writing so much.
oh Eccleston … my cheeks feel flush … it must be the tea.


“That won’t last. He’s gay and she’s an alien.”


“The Doctor is a legend woven throughout history. When disaster comes he’s there. He brings a storm in his wake and he has only one constant companion. Death.”


Where did you want to start?
Um… The inside’s bigger than the outside?
It’s alien?
Are you alien?
Yes. … Is that all right? (he asks it a little softer)
Yeah. (she answers a little softer and quickly)


OMG I FORGOT WHY I LIKED THIS SO MUCH! I hate to say it but though i love Matt Smith, some of the special chemistry in the writing from 2005 has faded over the years.


With the exception of the mid-season finale, the newest season was very disappointing to me – BUT Matt Smith is definitely “my” doctor. I love Eccleston when I am watching him and love DT all the time, but Matty Smith is my fave : )


i agree! so the recent episodes may not be as snappy and elegant as some from the past, but Matt Smith is definitely still electric. He’s certainly a close second to eccleston for me. both impressive actors.
An 11th episode high point for me MIGHT be the one with Stormageddon? so many memorable moments :)


i think i just need to watch them all again! good thing i have all this new tea to drink through my doctor who marathon!


I need a new show to watch. I think I’ll start on this one. I’ve only seen one scene where he goes into an old western style saloon bar and orders TEA with the TEA BAG in haha


David Tenant was saved by a good cup of tea at one point..that’s something to enjoy. : )

Electric is a great word for the way Matt Smith does the Doctor. He’s so vibrant and compelling, I want nothing more than to adventure with him.

Stormageddon was BRILLIANT. Of course he speaks baby!


“Nice to meet you, Rose…run for your life!!”


CupofTree, you really should start watching. It’s an excellent show. Shmiracles, I love the 9th as well. He’s the one that got me watching. Love him even with his big monkey ears :) I love drinking this tea in my Tardis disappearing and reappearing mug.


i’m having my third cup of this tea today. the scent keeps lingering in my nose and makes me wanna drink more and more.


Oh how I love Dr. Who!!! I just ordered the entire collection boxed set from amazon (http://www.amazon.com/Doctor-Who-Limited-Gift-Set/dp/B009GYTOZ8/ref=sr_1_6?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1354162348&sr=1-6&keywords=dr+who) I can’t wait to receive it!


My youngest daughter wore her fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) scarf today and carried jelly babies. No one recognized the scarf, so no one got jelly babies! My godson cosplays as ninth Doctor, and you should see the fanboys AND girls go nuts.


Poor Nine. He had some great stories and lines, but also some terrible plots, esp the farting aliens. He was my gateway doctor.

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